Amazon Original Web Series ‘Bandish Bandits’ trailer is out. The music thriller will feature Atul Kulkarni and Shreya Chaudhry in the lead roles of Radhe and Tamanna supported by veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah in a prominent role. The series will be released on the platform on 4 August 2020 and will comprise of 10 episodes. This series has been directed by Anand Tiwari and produced by Amritpal Singh Bindra.
The story of Bandish Bandits revolves around Radhe and Tamanna. Radhe is a singing prodigy determined to follow in the classical footsteps of his grandfather. Tamanna is a rising pop sensation desperate to become India’s first international popstar. Radhe’s world is turned upside down when he falls in love with Tamanna. Torn between helping her achieve superstardom and staying true to his own music, he tries to juggle both and risks losing everything he has.