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AbhiGya Got Emotional in Lift – Kumkum Bhagya 29 July 2020 Episode Written

Abhi and Pragya starts banging the lift door and Pragya shouts is there someone, help us. Abhi says don’t get us out of this lift please. A service boy came there and asks who is here Pragya says its me and. He asks who then she says its him. Service boy tells the people outside that someone got stuck inside so I will bring someonne for help. Pragya tells Abhi that I don’t want to fight you anymore as we already have very bad memories then Abhi says lets make good memories and do you want to know how to make good memories then Abhi further says by making phone call but you never pick my phone as your phone is always out of network. Pragya says you’re lying as you don’t have my number. Abhi says I have your number saved see then his phone gets dropped. Pragya picks up the phone and says its not my number. Abhi says what.

Ranbir asks Prachi what did Maya’s mom told you. Prachi says that she threatened me to break my relation with you. Ranbir asks Maya’s mother and she says that whatever Prachi is saying is true. Ranbir says that do you want the same Prachi. Prachi thinks all about her sweet moments with Ranbir and says no then Ranbir says my answer is the same. Maya’s mom says both of you are not understanding as how dangerous Maya’s father and uncle are and I don’t want any bloodshed. Ranbir says everyone is threatening us then Prachi says if Rahul runs away with Maya then problem will be solved and two lovers will get united.

Pallavi brings Beeji with her and asks her what happened to your plan as you were saying that I am not a good actor but you yourself started praising Maya. Beeji says I was making the mahool before cutting the goat then she tells her that I have a plan by which Maya’s mother will herself say no for this wedding but I need your help as when I wink at you, you have to start fighting with me. Pallavi says done.

Meera was giving instructions to waiters suddenly Ranbir bumps to one of the waiter and drinks fell on Meera. Meera tells Ranbir that Dushyant was looking for her. Ranbir says I feel like cutting him into pieces then Prachi asks him to breathe in and breathe out to calm him down. Meera saw Prachi calming down Ranbir and gets impressed. Ranbir thinks that every gesture of Prachi is too good. Prachi takes Meera with her to wash her dress. Meera asks Prachi, is there something going on between you and Ranbir. Prachi says nothing then Meera asks you were talking about Maya. Prachi says we have a plan to stop this wedding. Meera says don’t tell me otherwise it will get ruined, keep it a secret and lets hope this plan succeeds. Maya and her family will remember this sangeet always as it will be a lesson for them all.

Pragya tells Abhi that you have the wrong number then Abhi says I got your number from Purab’s phone. Both of them have the wrong numbers. Pragya tells Abhi to give his number and lift lights turned off. Abhi gets scared and Pragya laughs as Abhi still has fear of darkness. Abhi says no I am not scared then he says yes I am scared. Pragya says there is still some light so don’t worry. That small light turned off too and Abhi says you should have said about something else as now here is complete darkness. Abhi says who made this lift then he says people should use stairs to stay fit like me. Pragya says when did you used stairs. Abhi says I use lift just because there is a facility but there needs to be a emergency light, a air conditioner and a fridge so if lift gets stuck people can drink beer. Pragya says yeah there needs to be a sofa as well, a gym and a library too. Abhi says why are you joking as I am talking about serious things. Pragya says I am just trying to divert your attention.

Pragya starts blowing air at Abhi using her saree. Abhi says it won’t help you take off your whole saree. Pragya says what then Abhi says I am dying from inside. Pragya says nothing will happen as when I made tea for you for the first time you got anxious then Dadi taught me how to make your coffee and from that day you like only my coffee. I also helped you in completing one of your song when you got stuck and on that day you said that me and my coffee are your inspirations, did you lied. Abhi says no I said truth. then he says did you remember that day when I was at my concert and was not able to perform then Purab called you and you brought my coffee and I rocked that concert. Pragya says did you remember that day when I brought your coffee at your event and it fell down and we were discussing the recipe of coffee but the event manager thought I was teaching you the song. Abhi said why did you left then Pragya said we went to home together that day. Abhi says I am talking about my life, why did you went away from my life and Pragya gets emotional hearing this.

Vikram tells Aryan to go and attend Maya’s family. Aryan says but I don’t like them. Vikram says even I don’t like them but you go and attend them as I have a plan but you tell them that Vikram uncle is not with caterers. Aryan left. At mall Service boy tells the manager that the lift got stuck and manager asks for lift technician’s Raju number. Aryan came and meet Mr Chaubey then Mr Chaubey tells Dushyant that he is Ranbir’s friend. Aryan says he’s my brother. Dushyant says in the whole family he is the most intelligent boy. Shahana saw Aryan with Maya’s family and thinks I need to save him. Dushyant tells Aryan that we have a girl in our village and we can arrange you wedding with her. Aryan points at Shahana saying she’s his girlfriend. Shahana runs away and Aryan follows her.

Aryan tells Shahana to stop. He says that Dushyant uncle was taking about my wedding with one of his village girl and thats why I said you are my girlfriend. Otherwise you’re not my type as I will marry a girl who speaks less and loves more. Shahana says that I will strangle your throat and left. Maya’s mother tells Dushyant and Mr Chaubey that Prachi said she will not break her friendship with Ranbir. Ranbir gets happy and thinks that love is in the air. Abhi and Pragya in the lift gets emotional thinking about Kiara.

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