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Today Anupama Episode 22 Sept 2021 Written Updates – Anupama celebrates Ganesh Chaturthi with Anuj

At cafe Vanraj did aarti of Ganpati Bappa with the whole family. Whole family then eats prashad and Anupama requested Baa to be happy for today. On both Anupama and Bapuji’s request Baa agrees. Kavya offers prashad to Anupama but Vanraj says give her less because she needs space in her stomach to eat more at Anuj’s place. Anupama says while insulting me today you insulted prashad as well. Suri comes and says that a customer has given a big order for Anupama’s signature dish. Anupama says I will prepare it. Vanraj tells him to cancel the order and says from today onwards this dish will not be made at the cafe. Kavya insists Varaj to let her prepare it but Vanraj disagrees.

Anupama says she is getting late to go to Anuj’s function. Bapuji, Kinjal and Samar says they will go as well. Bapuji tells Leela Baa that you will go with me there. Kavya says I will go as well because I need to maintain good relation with Anuj to keep my job. Whole family leaves for Anuj’s place leaving Vanraj and Paritosh behind at the cafe.

Also read : Imlie ep 22 September 2021 story written details

Anuj was cleaning his glasses and they were about to fell down but Anupama catches them. Anuj welcomed whole Shah family and Anuj to his house. Anuj did Ganesh aarti with whole Shah family. After aarti Anupama praised the Ganpati idol and GK says Anuj made it. Everyone praised Anuj for his art.

Anuj called Vanraj and Toshu at cafe and invited them to come to his place. He forwarded address to Vanraj. Toshu tells Vanraj we should not go there. Vanraj says I will go. On his way to Anuj’s house Vanraj thinks today I will show him that its his family not Anuj Kapadia’s.

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