Based on the Harshad Mehta’s fiasco Bollywood film The Big Bull trailer has been released recently featuring Abhishek Bachchan in the lead role and Nikita Dutta as his wife. Fans on the internet have already started making comparisons of this film to Pratik Gandhi’s Scam 1992 and many are even calling it the cheap version of that web series. The Big Bull will release on OTT Platform DisneyPlus Hotstar VIP on 8 April 2021.
After watching Pratik Gandhi’s Scam 1992 and seeing the trailer of The Big Bull it feels like we are driving a Maruti 800 after taking a ride in Rolls Royce earlier. The biggest mistake which the director has made in this trailer is putting the music of CarryMinati’s popular song Yalgaar in the background as it becomes very hard to concentrate on the dialogues in the trailer as you focus more on listening to the song.