Starring Amitabh Bachchan and Emraan Hashmi in lead roles, trailer of Bollywood suspense thriller Chehre has been released today. The most interesting part of this trailer is that it also includes a small scene of Rhea Chakraborty which confirms it that her scenes from this movie are not being deleted and director Rumy Jafry is taking the risk of facing the wrath of SSR fans because many people on the internet have already vowed to boycott this film due to Rhea playing a vital role in it.
The controversial Rhea Chakraborty scene in the trailer of Chehre which we are talking about shows Emraan telling Rhea that these people can do anything because they are crazy. Trailer of Chehre somewhat reminds us of Table No. 21 but the plot of this film seems to be much more darker and serious.