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MTV Roadies Journey in South Africa Episode 9 Written Updates 24 April 2022 – Bungy Jumping Task Results results, Who won immunity?

Kavin and his gang was enjoying in the morning by dancing. Suddenly music started playing and some Afro dancers came and they started dancing after which one of them gave a smartphone to the roadies as it had a message by Sonu Sood.

Task Details : All the buddy pairs needs to match the steps by the Afro dancers and whichever pair failed to match the step, that pair won’t be allowed to participate in the next task.

Music started playing and all the roadies started trying to match the steps of Afro dancers.

  • Baseer and Jashwanth perfectly managed to match the steps and they were allowed to go first
  • Kevin and Soundous matched the steps and they were allowed to go second
  • Yukti and Nandini matched the steps and they were allowed to go third
  • Simi and Sohil matched the steps and they were allowed to go fourth
  • Kavya and Sidharth matched the steps and they were allowed to go fifth
  • Moose and Gaurav matched the steps and they were allowed to go Sixth

Arsh and Arushi was the only non immune buddy pair which was not allowed to do the immunity task

Sonu Sood welcomed all the roadies to the next task location which is Bloukrans Bungy Jumping Bridge and it was the world’s highest bungy jumping spot i.e 216 m and 708 Ft.

Task Details : There were some animal statues on the table and all the roadies needs to memorize the pattern within 30 seconds in which they were placed by Sonu Sood and then they need to rearrange them in the same order in which Sonu Sood left it but they will do that after doing bungy jumping.

All the roadies started doing bungy jumping one by one

  • Baseer Ali went first to do the bungy jumping and he did it successfully
  • Kevin Almasifar went second to do the bungy jumping and he did it successfully
  • Yukti Arora went third to do the bungy jumping and she did it successfully
  • Moose Jattana went fourth to do the bungy jumping and she did it successfully
  • Sohil Jhuti went fifth to do the bungy jumping and he did it successfully
  • Sidharth Manoj went sixth to do the bungy jumping and he did it successfully
  • Sonudous Moufakir Jattana went 7th to do the bungy jumping and she did it successfully
  • Gaurav Alugh went 8th to do the bungy jumping and he did it successfully
  • Nandini G went 9th to do the bungy jumping and she did it successfully
  • Jashwanth Bopanna went 10th to do the bungy jumping and he did it successfully
  • Kavya Khurana went 11th to do the bungy jumping and she did it successfully
  • Simi Talsania went 12th to do the bungy jumping and she did it successfully

Sonu Sood also did bungy jumping to set an example for other contestants

Finally time came for rearranging the jumbled pieces of animal statues one by one and these are the results :

  • Moorse & Gaurav went first and they rearranged the jumbled pieces in 10.47 seconds. Their sequence was right.
  • Sidharth & Kavya went second and they rearranged the jumbled pieces in 33.54 seconds. Their sequence was wrong.
  • Baseer & Jashwanth went third and they rearranged the jumbled pieces in 13.21 seconds. Their sequence was right.
  • Kevin & Soundous went fourth and they rearranged the jumbled pieces in 16.93 seconds. Their sequence was right.
  • Nandini & Yukti went fifth and they rearranged the jumbled pieces in 12.44 seconds. Their sequence was wrong.
  • Sohil & Simi went sixth and they rearranged the jumbled pieces in 13.02 seconds. Their sequence was right.

Baseer and Jashwanth had an advantage of 15 seconds deduction because they won the Afro dancing task.

Baseer and Jashwanth wins the Bungy Jumping immunity task

All the roadies came back to camp and Arushi gets said knowing that she missed the chance of doing bungy jumping. Kevin and Arushi tells Arsh to get serious for the show. Baseer was celebrating with his team as he won the immunity for the first time this season. Kevin got jealous seeing Baseer celebrating and he says that every dog has his day.

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