Rocking Star Yash starrer PAN Indian action thriller KGF Chapter 2 has achieved another massive box office record as this Prashanth Neel directorial sequel film has gone past the ₹ 250 crores collection mark through its Hindi version in the opening week. In the first week KGF 2’s Hindi dubbed version made a income of ₹ 255.05 crores at box office India and till date no other Hindi film has managed to achieve this figure in such a quick time. According to inside reports makers of KGF 2 are targeting for a ₹ 400 crores lifetime collection from its Hindi version only and if this film kept on generating moolah in the same way then surely it will achieve that mark sooner or later.
In the Hindi belts of India KGF 2 made a box office income of ₹ 16.35 crores on 7th day and although there is a evident decline in its overall biz but there are high chances that it will again pick up in the 2nd weekend. Already KGF 2 has thrashed Thalapathy Vijay’s Beast in most parts of India and even in the Tamil Nadu cinemas KGF 2 was clearly dominating Beast in the first week face off.
Talking about KGF 2 Worldwide Box Office Collection in the first 7 days, well this film has successfully crossed ₹ 700 crores mark through its Global biz in the opening week. Right now KGF 2 Worldwide collection stands at ₹ 719 crores and there is a huge scope that this film will cross the ₹ 1000 crores mark soon as well after which this will be the second South Indian film in 2022 to achieve this milestone after RRR.
Recently KGF 2 producers announced a new film with film director Sudha Kongara Prasad and it will be made under the banner of Hombale Films. Also makers of KGF 2 have already made it clear that KGF 3 is surely on the cards and now fans are speculating with theories about what is going to be the plot of this third film as there is still a lot of confusion after the ending of KGF 2 about whether Rocky Bhai is dead or alive.
Most shows of KGF 2 today on Thursday 21 April 2022 have received decent occupancy from the Indian public. The film is now closing towards ₹ 300 crores collection mark from its Hindi biz. Shahid Kapoor and Mrunal Thakur’s Jersey is releasing tomorrow in theatres and it will be interesting to see that whether KGF 2 will manage to dominate it or not in the Hindi belts of India.
8th Day (2nd Thursday) Collection of KGF 2 in India is ₹ 55 crores (approximately)