Shah Rukh Khan’s PAN India action film Jawan has got the biggest worldwide box office opening in the history of Hindi cinema as the Atlee directorial has made a collection of Rs 129.6 crore from its business on 7 September 2023. Jawan has shattered many Indian box office milestones through its single day in the local markets and even in international circuits, this film is earning a lot of moolah.
Despite getting a non-weekend release, Jawan witnessed an overall occupancy rate of 58.67% on Thursday, 8 Sept 2023 and in Chennai alone, it has received a occupancy of 81% which is extraordinary. Judging from these day 1 occupancy numbers of Jawan, it seems that SRK has established himself quite well in the South Indian markets.
Jawan 1st Day Collection Figures Worldwide Country Wise Breakdown in INR
Below is a chart in which we have given a full country wise Day 1 worldwide collection breakdown of Jawan 2023 film which includes countries like UK, USA, India, Germany, Australia, etc :
Country Name | Day 1 Collection Earned |
India | Rs 74.50 crore |
USA | Rs 8.51 crore |
Australia | Rs 2.11 crore |
Canada | Rs 2 crore |
New Zealand | Rs 39.13 lakhs |
Germany | Rs 1.30 crore |
UK | Rs 2.16 crore |
Looking at these massive first day 1 worldwide collection numbers of Jawan, we have no doubt that this film will also enter the Rs 1000 crore club in near future and if that ends up happening then this will become the second film of Shah Rukh Khan in year 2023 to achieve this milestone.