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Imlie TV Serial 25 Sept 2021 Written Updates – The case gets dismissed

Aditya tells Aparna that I am a human and not a thing. He asks how can Imlie take the decision if she loses the case then I will have to stay with Malini. Aparna says she is right and you are Malini’s husband. Imlie came there and tells Aditya that she has got the proof. Aparna says what proof you got show me. Imlie says you won’t be able to see it and she takes Aditya with her to show him the video recording. Imlie shows video recording to Aditya and he gets shocked.

Imlie tells Aditya to stay calm. Aditya tells Tripathi family that he has seen the proof and Imlie was right from the very first day. He says all of you will get shocked when you will see the proof in court. Imlie tells Kunal about the video and he tells her to keep the camera and memory card safe. Malini comes at Kunal’s office and he tells her that we got the proof against you. Malini gets shocked.

Also read : Anupamaa episode 25 September 2021 written details

Malini goes to her house and she remembers about Kunal’s words. She started crying and tells Dev & Anu that Imlie got the proof. They both tried to calm her down and Malini fell unconscious. At court Kunal gives video camera to the court but it turns out that the video was being deleted. Imlie tries to argue that she had the proof but something is fishy. Judge dismissed the case.

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