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Imlie TV Serial 24 Sept 2021 Written Updates – Imlie Finds the Proof against Malini

Imlie picks up the peas from the floor and went outside. Aparna asks Radha, Isn’t this girl acting strange. Radha says yes something is not right. Harish was finding signal for his radio in the living room and Imlie snatches the radio from his hands and tells him that I will find the signal for you. Imlie tries to find proof in the living room but she finally finds the signal for the radio after which Harish takes the radio from her.

Imlie went in Aditya’s bedroom and says it all started from here and now either I will find proof or I will get defeated here. She was about to take Aditya’s camera. Anu comes at Tripathi house and started shouting calling Imlie out. Imlie comes and Anu put forth a condition. Anu says if Malini wins the case then Aditya has to accept her as his wife. Aditya says I am not a toy as I only love Imlie and consider her as my wife. Imlie accepted Anu’s condition.

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Malini gets worried seeing Imlie’s confidence. She asks Anu, What if Imlie has a proof against her. Anu says we have destroyed all the evidence. Imlie prays to Sita Maiya seeing her statue to show her the path. She takes Aditya’s camera to put it in a safe place and suddenly the video started in the camera of Malini trapping Aditya. Imlie gets happy saying finally I got the proof.

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