Chief of Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat passed away at the age of 63 on Wednesday, 8 Dec 2021 due to the Helicopter crash at Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. Along with Bipin Rawat 12 more officials who were travelling in the chopper lost their life and unfortunately wife of Gen Rawat ‘Madhulika Rawat’ who was also accompnying him on this Chopper also succumbed due to this incident.
Indian Air Force’s Group Captain Varun Singh was the lone survivor of this unfortunate chopper crash in Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. He is critically injured and currently receiving medical treatment at military hospital Wellington, Tamil Nadu. Capt Varun Singh was awarded Shaurya Chakra on this year’s Independence Day for saving his LCA Tejas fighter aircraft during an aerial emergency in 2020.
Group Captain of Indian Air Force ‘Varun Singh’ was the lone survivor of Tamil Nadu Helicopter Crash which happened recently today.
He is critically injured and we wish him a speedy recovery
— KhabriBhai (@RealKhabriBhai) December 8, 2021
Wing Commander Prithvi Singh Chauhan was the pilot of the Mi-17V5 helicopter which was carrying the CDS Gen Bipin Rawat along with 9 other passengers and 3 more crew members but it got crashed near Coonoor due to some technical fault because of bad weather conditions. Pilot Prithvi Singh Chauhan also passed away in this Helicopter crash and he was the Commanding Officer of the 109 Helicopter Unit: Sources