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ALT Balaji Hai Taubba Season 3 Episode 2 feat Lesbian Lovers Written Update with Hot Scenes Details

The episode starts with two lesbian lovers named Kesar and Aaliya sitting at a bus stop and Kesar’s ex-boyfriend Dhruv was also present there. The story takes place in three different timelines which are year 2019, 2020, and 2021.

In the year 2019 timeline bad memories between Kesar and Dhruv were shown as they fight over silly things as sometimes Dhruv gets annoyed with Kesar while other times Kesar doubts on Dhruv for having intimate relationships with other women. Dhruv even proposed Kesar for marriage but she rejected as she already gets into a relationship with Aaliya.

In the year 2020 timeline Good memories between Kesar and Aaliya were shown. Both of them made love in a bathtub. Also Aaliya goes on a special birthday trip with Kesar to bali. Aaliya’s mother accepted Kesar as her daughter-in-law happily.

Also checkout: Hai Taubba Season 3 Episode 2 (Sherni) Hot Scenes with Story Written

Unfortunately when Kesar went to propose Aaliya for the marriage she catches Aaliya with another girl red handed in a bathing towel. Kesar goes from there in anger.

The episode ends with Kesar and Dhruv’s current girlfriend going away in separate cabs leaving their partners behind. Later Dhruv sends a message to Kesar asking her Will she meet him?

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