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WWE SmackDown ThunderDome 22 August 2020 Full Show Results, Highlights Written Details

The live crowd is finally back in the WWE arenas as SmackDown ThunderDome happened today and virtual people were seen in the arena watching the matches live. Sonya Deville announced a new stipulation for her match against Mandy Rose at SummerSlam, Two beat the clock challenge matches happened, a new IC Champion was crowned and Mr McMahon makes a return to the blue brand.

WWE SmackDown ThunderDome 22 August 2020 Winners and Losers

1. Big E vs. Sheamus Singles Match

Winner– Big E

Loser– Sheamus

The whole SmackDown locker room was surrounding the ring for this match because of the fear of Retribution. During the match while Sheamus was dominating, the lights started flickering and it appears that the Retribution is back again as we went into a break. Back from the break, outside the ring King Corbin attacked Matt Riddle frrom behind and they both got into a brawl and in the confusion Big E rolls up Sheamus and pins him for the win.

2. Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro (c) vs. Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik) Tag Team Match for SmackDown Tag Team Championships

Winners – Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro

Losers – Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik)

Backstage, before the start of this match Nakamura and Cesaro hits Dorado and Metalik with a cheap shot from behind. Miz and Morrison were watching this match backstage and they were making fun of both the teams. In the end Lince Dorado went for a Hurricane Rana but Cesaro rolls him up and pins him for the win. After the match Dorado and Metalik had an argument in the ring and Kalisto tries to calm them both.

3. Naomi vs. Sasha Banks Beat the Clock Challenge Singles Match (Whoever beats Naomi in the quickest time will face Asuka 2nd on SummerSlam 2020)

Winner – Sasha Banks

Loser – Naomi

Sasha Banks puts Naomi in the Banks Statement and Naomi tapped out. Sasha Banks took 3 minutes and 39 seconds to defeat Naomi and Bayley needs to defeat Naomi in a time less then this.

4. Naomi vs. Bayley Beat the Clock Challenge Singles Match (Whoever beats Naomi in the quickest time will face Asuka 2nd on SummerSlam 2020)

Winner – Naomi

Loser – Bayley

Bayley attacked Naomi before the start of her match in ring. In the end of the match Naomi hits her finisher on Bayley and she pins her for the win. Sasha Banks gets more happier on Bayley’s loss then Naomi. After the match, Asuka came and makes fun of both Bayley and Banks. Banks ran to attack her but Asuka tackles her and ran in the ring to attack Bayley. Bayley runs away and walks past a fallen Banks.

5. AJ Styles (c) vs. Jeff Hardy Singles Match for WWE Intercontinental Championship

Winner – Jeff Hardy

Loser – AJ Styles

Jeff Hardy enters the match with a knee brace on. During this match Styles worked on the injured knee of Hardy. Jeff Hardy went on the top rope for a Swanton bomb but he slipped. In the end Styles was setting up Hardy for a Styles Clash but Hardy hits Styles face with his knee brace and hits Styles with a Twist of Fate after which he hits Styles with a Swanton bomb and pinning him up for the win. Jeff Hardy becomes the 5 time IC Champion.

WWE SmackDown ThunderDome 22 August 2020 All Segments Updates

1. Mr McMahon starts the show welcoming everyone to the new Thunderdome set then lights turned off and Fiend music starts playing and Fiend makes his entrance. Fiend enters the ring and starts laughing standing in front of Vince. Braun Strowman’s music hits and he makes an entrance to the ring. Friend and Braun were face to face in the ring after which Retribution came with a larger group this time. Both Fiend and Braun starts smiling looking at each other. Fiend makes bye bye hand wave in Ciampa style and lights turned off and when they came back, the Fiend was not there and Strowman was all alone in the ring. Retribution starts attacking Strowman but Big E came to the rescue leading SmackDown locker room. The SD locker room stands tall in the ring after which Strowman throws both Gulak and Jay Uso outside the ring. Strowman leaves the ring tearing off his shirt.

2. There was some problem with Jeff Hardy’s right leg and trainer was checking him backstage.

3. Seeing the last week’s footage it was found that AJ Styles attacked Jeff Hardy’s knee last week when Retribution attacked. AJ Styles gloats about it in a backstage interview. Sasha Banks and Bayley meets Styles backstage and all three of them did a cheers with their titles.

4. Backstage during an interview with Kayla Braxton, Mandy Rose says I saw a lot of bad but still there is some good left. Mandy looks in the camera and says Sonya I know that Sonya which was inseparable from me is still left in you so please forget everything and lets get together again.

5. Corey Graves asks Baanks and Bayley in an in ring interview, are you going to split and they said no. They say that Asuka is incapable to beat them and we have all the gold. Both of them had a disagreement again and Bayley says there is no one that can beat both of us on the same night. Naomi interrupts them and says I will face you both tonight. Corey suggests a beat the clock challenge. Naomi says ok which one of you will face me first and then she attacked Banks.

6. Backstage, Kayla Braxton asks Sonya Deville’s reponse for what Mandy Rose said then Deville says that she will say it in front of the whole world. Dana Brooke came and says I feel sad for what happened to you last week then Sonya slapped her hard and says do you think I care.

7. Sonya Deville came on the ramp and she says that I am going to raise the stakes as now the stipulation for my match against Mandy is that it is going to be a no disqualification match and the loser will leave WWE because I am fed up of seeing your face bitch.

8. Backstage Nikki Cross says that after Alexa faced Fiend I have a feeling that something terrible is about to happen.

9. Backstage AJ Styles shouts on Joseph Park after losing the Intercontinental Championship to Jeff Hardy.

10. During Firefly Funhouse segment Husky the Pig and Rambling Rabbit did a parody of what happened between Braun and Alexa last week but they did not enact the same scene. Bray Wyatt tells them to get lost. Wyatt says that Braun, Fiend can’t waait to get his hands on you infact he smells and says what took you so long. Braun attacked Wyatt at Funhouse and dragged him with his legs saying I am not done with you.

11. Braun Strowwman and Bray Wyatt were fighting at the backstage and Strowman throws Bray Wyatt off the top of the ledge and emt’s came to check on him. EMT’ss put Wyatt on the stretcher and puts him in the ambulance. The ambulance starts and then it stops midway and Fiend came out laughing with smoke behind him.

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