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Woh To Hai Albelaa episode 4 written updates 17 March 2022 – Chiru failed to admit his feelings for Sayuri

Sayuri was holding a box of spices and it was about to fell down but Chiru helped her. She asked him in sign language, whether he told Saroj about their relation or not and he responds have patience I will do it soon. Saroj apologized to Lord Krishna for shutting her ears while Sayuri was singing the Bhajan.

Chiru went in Krishna’s room and tells him & Nakul to get ready in 5 minutes as whoever gets ready first and touches Saroj’s feet, will bat first today. There were only 2 bathrooms left and Chiru was already in the shower. Nakul managed to enter the second and Krishna was left with no bathroom.

Krishna took pipe from outside and took a shower after which he changed clothes in the car. Krishna, Nakul, and Chiru started running to touch Saroj’s feet but Krishna fell down and Chiru won the competition. Krishna saw a white board and asked Saroj why you brought this and Saroj responds Pandit ji is coming with Chiru’s marriage proposals and I will write good and bad qualities of all the girls on this board after which I will finalize a girl for Chiru. Chiru gets shocked and he received a message from Sayuri asking him whether he told his mother about them or not.

Dadi was putting clothes on wire to dry and Sayuri helped her. Sayuri called Rashmi and Priya, Rashmi had a romantic book in her hand and Sayuri says its your age to read such books. Rashmi had Nakul’s name written in the book. Rashmi told Sayuri that Indu is seeing boys for her marriage and Rashmi asked her mother is this true. Indu says its your age to get married. Dadi says if you have a guy in mind then you can tell us. Priya gets ready to go to school and she tells Sayuri that your handbag skin is coming off. Sayuri takes a cloth strap and ties it on the bag.

Chiru tells Saroj at the breakfast table that he is not ready to marry. Krishna teased Chiru saying maybe brother has seen a white girl in London. Saroj got emotional and Chiru says there is nothing like this mom. Chiru thinks that he can’t tell about him and Sayuri to Saroj right now. All three brothers had a meeting under the table and Nakul tells Krishna that it seems like Chiru bhaiya is in love with some girl.

Sayuri was going on her father’s scootie with Rashmi but suddenly Krishna came in front of her. Sayuri tells Nakul to stop wasting your time with Krishna otherwise you will become like him as he thinks that he is cool. Krishna says Nakul is cool and I am hot but you won’t understand it because you are a boring college professsor and even your tea is cold. Both of them stared daggers at each other.

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