Sailesh went to Mrs. Chopra house and he sprays the deodorant on his body after which he rings the door bell. Mrs. Chopra opens the door and she was looking very hot.
Mrs. Chopra complimented him that he is looking very good today and he returns the compliment to her by saying the same. Sailesh asked, Will we do it here? Mrs. Chopra asked what? Sailesh says workout and Mrs. Chopra said that I thought make-out. Mrs. Chopra tells him to sit. Sailesh says that we should not waste our time on sitting and instead we should workout. Mrs. Chopra asked, Which position we should try first?
Sailesh started touching Mrs. Chopra from behind and he tells her that I thought you need warm-up but you are already looking very charged. Mrs. Chopra started kissing him. She pushed Sailesh on the couch and then gets on top of him after which they continued kissing.
Mrs. Chopra tells Sailesh that she gets charged faster in her bedroom and then she took him to her bedroom. They took off each others clothes and started doing love making on the bed. Mrs. Chopra was on top of Sailesh and he was having fun but suddenly he started screaming and Mrs. Chopra asked, What happened? Sailesh responds that something has broken. Mrs. Chopra tells Sailesh to wear his clothes back.
Mrs. Chopra drop Sailesh to a doctor and she tells him to go alone because you are no use to me anymore. Sailesh went inside the clinic and he tells doctor that he has suffered a fracture on his private part. Doctor told him that he will prescribe him some medicines. Sailesh started having nightmares about everyone making fun of him at GYM.
Sailesh’s friend tells him that he should follow doctor’s advice and he should change himself. Sailesh says that its not possible for him. Sailesh’s friend further tells him that love making is for own satisfaction and you don’t need to take any pills also you don’t need to become a superhero. Doctor informs Sailesh that all his reports are normal and he should consult a psychologist.
Mrs. Chopra came to the GYM and she asked Rinki for a refund. Rinki said that its not possible. Prabhakar came and he tells Mrs. Chopra that she needs to give a valid reason for a refund. Mrs. Chopra says that the trainer for which I joined this GYM, he is of no use anymore. Prabhakar accepted her refund request. Sailesh came to the GYM and Rinki greets him but he ignored her and went inside.
The fat guy was working out in the GYM and Sailesh started giving him support. He asked Sailesh, Why are you focusing on me so much? Sailesh says you are my client. The hot girl came and she started working out next to the fat guy. Fat guy says that I will make her my girlfriend and then he asked Sailesh for new protein powder. Sailesh says that you need to lose weight. Fat guy says so it means you were making fools of us, now I will show you.
A very gorgeous girl came to the GYM and she tells Sailesh that she needs his help in doing cycling. He tells her that its basic then she tells him to help her in getting up. The girl tells Sailesh that she heard that he is very good with Steam room and Sauna room. Sailesh tells her that we have a Sauna room in GYM and today I will help you in back workout there. Sailesh and that girl started kissing in the steam room but he stopped mid way. The girl says don’t worry baby as I have a magic pill. Sailesh responds no pill and he left.
Sailesh started crying in the GYM locker room as he thinks that he won’t be able to do love making ever again.