The latest installment of Ullu popular hot series Palang Tod titled Saas Bahu and Nri has recently been released and it comprises of three amazingly bold episodes of almost 18 – 20 min each. The episodes contains some very hot lesbian lovemaking scenes between its two sexy characters Payal and Supriya.
Palang Tod: Saas Bahu and NRI Story Written
The story revolves around a newly married couple and their mother-in-law. The wife used to get absolute satisfaction from her husband but she gets worried about her mother-in-law needs and ends up fulfilling her physical desires by making love with her on bed featuring some steamy hot lesbian scenes between the two.
Palang Tod: Saas Bahu and NRI Cast and Characters Names
- Rajsi Verma (Supriya)
- Paromita Dey (Payal)
- Anil Bisnoi (Amit)
You can watch all three episodes of Palang Tod: Saas Bahu and NRI on ULLU APP and by going to the official ULLU Website