Ashok was riding in his car and he was thinking about Ratna. He gets a phone call from Shilpa and she tells him to come soon as he got late. Ashok reaches school and Shilpa complaints about the lunch he prepared. Ashok says I will talk to the tiffin service aunty today. Shilpa says tomorrow is mothers day and all the kids will come with their mother, is this possible for my mom to come for a day. Ashok says its not possible for her to come back from the place where she went. Shilpa says ok then I won’t go to school tomorrow and Ashok says no problem we will go for travelling tomorrow.
Ratna’s client was making love with her on bed and then he offered her a pair of earrings. He asked her that he heard she takes earrings from her every client and Ratna responds that this one ornament has changed her life that’s why she takes this ornament from her every lover.
10 years later – Ashok was getting ready to go to the RTO office and he tells Shilpa that I will drop you to college. Shilpa says I will go by bus and he tells her to not to jump on moving bus.
Shilpa meets her boyfriend Vipin and he was doing workout. She tells him that we are getting late for college. He says lets go for a movie. He tries to get romantic with her and she says nothing before marriage. Shilpa asked him, did you talked with your mother about our marriage? He responds that she did not liked your face and your nose is like a cat. She says this means she liked me. He says she sent a gift for you and then he gave her earrings. Shilpa wears them and again her tries to get close to her. Shilpa says I told you before, nothing before marriage.
Ratna was riding in Ashok’s car and she was on the back seat. She asked him that why didn’t you asked me about where I want to go? She says that my husband is also a taxi driver like you and he is a very good person but I was not worthy of him. She further says that I have a lot of money today but no happiness. He dropped Ratna to her home and leaves without taking money. Ratna fell down outside her house as she was drunk and Ashok lifts her in his arms after which he took her inside. A girl in the house asks Ashok about what happened to Ratna. He says she was drunk and fell down. She tells him to put her on bed in the bedroom. Ratna tells Ashok that he is a good person just like her husband and she offered him to spend the night with her for free. Ashok rejects her offer. She says you are a fool as a beautiful woman wants to spend a night with you for free but you are leaving.
At night Ashok sees the earrings on Shilpa’s ears and he asked her about them. She says my friend gave me these earrings because she was not here at my birthday. Ashok tells her to return them back because your mom used to not like them. Shilpa says ok I will return them.
Urfi bhai asks Ashok why is he feeling sad? Ashok says Shilpa lied to him for the first time? Urfi says it seems like she is in love with someone. Ashok says I can’t talk to Shilpa about it and if Ratna was here then she could have talked to her. Urfi asked have you met her after that incident as she lives in this city? Ashok says I met her many times and she drinks a lot now a days. Ashok tells Urfi that he is afraid if Ratna’s shadow fell on Shilpa then all his hard work will go in vain. Urfi says if Ratna bhabhi truly loves Shilpa then she will never return in her life. Ashok says hope so.
Later at night Shilpa was crying and she tells Ashok that she lied to him because those earrings were giving to her by her boyfriend Vipin and he loves her. Ashok says I want to meet Vipin.
Ashok meets Vipin and he tells him that Shilpa has told him everything about their relation. Ashok tells Vipin to marry Shilpa and Vipin says that I love her but marriage. Ashok says if you can’t marry her then get out of her life otherwise I will punish you.
Few months later Urfi was at the mandap of Shilpa’s wedding. Ratna came there in her car and Urfi tries to stop her from going to the mandap. Ashok came and he also stopped her. Ratna says I brought gift for my daughter and she opened her bag. She says I brought a lot of earrings for her so that she doesn’t go off track like me after seeing someone’s earrings.