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TV Serial Kundali Bhagya 12 Oct 2021 Written Updates – Preeta wears doctor outfit to save Rishabh

Rishabh agrees to leave with police and Mahesh Luthra had a heart attack. Karan went behind police in anger. Mahesh tells Preeta to go after Karan because he is in a lot of anger. Preeta asks Karan, where are you going? He says I am going to police station to save Rishabh. Preeta says no we need to go to hospital to meet Sandeep Khanna and convince him to take the FIR back.

Preeta and Karan went to hospital and Karan says I will break Sandeep’s face. Preeta says don’t do anything like this because its an hospital. Preeta sees constable outside Sandeep’s room and she says I need to wear the clothes of a doctor and then I can enter his room and talk to him. Karan says I will wait outside. Preeta went to change clothes and Karan received a call from Luthras informing him that Mahesh suffered a heart attack after which Karan leaves hospital.

Prithvi came to hospital dressed as a doctor and he entered Sandeep’s room. He offered Sandeep a bribe of Rs 20 lakh but he needs to do what he says. Preeta entered the room as a doctor and Prithvi hides. Preeta offered Rs 50 lakh to Sandeep to withdraw his FIR. Nurse came and Preeta left the room.

Must check : Anupamaa episode 12 October 2021 full story written

Prithvi threatens Sandeep that if he accepts Preeta’s offer then he will kill him. Preeta entered the room again and Sandeep told her to leave from there otherwise he will file another case against her for bribing him.

Preeta came back home and Sherlyn started doing drama in front of her. She says where is Rishabh ji? Sherlyn further says you promised Preeta that you will bring him back. Srishti says Sherlyn you are behaving like Rishabh ji went to jail because of Preeta di. Bani Dadi started crying and Preeta tells her that I will bring Rishabh ji back home.

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