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Today’s Kundali Bhagya Episode 24 March 2021 Written – Prithvi tells Akshay to harass Kritika

Prithvi manages to barge into Akshay’s house and he started slapping him telling him that how can he blackmail his wife? Akshay says I needed money but if you are not ok with it then I will not do it. Prithvi says I beat you because you are askling for a very small amount and then he offered Akshay 30 lacs to leak dirty pictures of Kritika online after which Akshay accepts the deal.

Mahira hugs Karan by turning off light in the kitchen and then she turned on light. Karan says I hugged you by mistake thinking you’re Preeta. Mahira against started manipulating Karan by telling her that Preeta is with Prithvi at the terrace. Karan says I have full trust on my wife but I am a bit concerned about her because Prithvi is a bad person. Preeta comes and says that she came to bring milk for Dadi as her feet got twisted. Karan says that our relationship stands on understanding and no one can come between us. Mahira thinks that she will break their trust. Karan invites Preeta to hotel Rajmahal for next day on a romantic date.

Prithvi tells Sherlyn that she strikes a deal with Akshay to harass Kritika after which she slapped him and they got romantic. Pammi sees the romantic act between Prithvi and Sherlyn. Suresh gives the syringe to his friend’s doctor son and asks him to find out what’s in it.

Prithvi wentto apologize to Kritika agaain but Kritika did not told him about Akshay. Prithvi went outside the room and he called Akshay telling him to harass Kritika more. Akshay called Kritika again and he again started harassing her telling her to bring money. Kritika takes jewellary and she was about to leave but Preeta sees her.

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