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Sasural Simar Ka Season 2 Episode 5 May 2021 Written – Badi Simar tells Geetanjali Devi about Churma being poisoned

Choti Simar finds out about the poison being mixed in Churma. She gets shocked and decides to inform about it. She starts looking for help and comes across Badi Simar. Choti Simar notify her about the poision in Churma. Badi Simar gets dumbstruck and runs along with her to stop the Churma from getting served to the guests. She also apprises the truth to Aarav and Vivan.

Aarav immediately makes some excuse and removes all the Churma that was served. Whereas, Vivan orders fresh Churma from the shop and goes to collect it. There, in that shop Reema also comes to take the cake for her parent’s marriage anniversary.

Shobha becomes nervous and insists Manoj to leave the party but he explains her the reason that they should not leave. Chitra gets doubtful and keeps an eye on Shobha’ s behaviour.

Meanwhile, all the guests waits to consume the Churma. Elsewhere, Vivan reaches the shop and collects the Churma from there. He gets elated seeing Reema and starts flirting with her. But, then he gets a call from Aarav who emphasizes him to come back fast. Whereas, in the middle of this, Reema collects her cake and leaves the shop.

Geetanjali Devi gets restless and bothers about the Churma not being served to the guests. But, Badi Simar handles everything calmly without letting Geetanjali Devi know about the incident. Vivan tells Aarav that what he missed to bring Churma on-time.

Chitra offers Churma to Shobha but she makes some excuses for not having it. Aarav shows his gratitude towards Badi Simar for saving the day but she thinks about Choti Simar’s discretion. Whereas, Chote Simar and Reema discusses their day sitting inside the auto while going back to their home. Here, Aarav finds Simar’s duppata and her earing from the garden and keeps it with him.

Geetanjali Devi observers that the Churma served to the guests, is not the same one that she prepared. She notices that it doesn’t have the silver foil on it which she have placed in her Churma . She gets furious and asks who did this? Aarav takes up all the blame upon himself for changing the Churma.

Geetanjali Devi gets stunned and reminds him about their culture and traditions. She questions him about the reason. Meanwhile, Badi Simar supports Aarav and tells Geetanjali Devi about the truth. She notify everyone about the poisonous Churma making all shocked by the revelation.

Further, Badi Simar states that Aarav and Vivan have redeem their respect in the society by saving all the guests. Geetanjali Devi gets petrified and thinks about the person who can do this with their family. She determines to find the culprit and punish her. Meanwhile, Aarav reminds Geetanjali Devi about the CCTV cameras. He states that the cameras are everywhere, so they can find out the culprit easily by seeing the footage.

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