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Spy Bahu episode 6 written updates 21 March 2022 – Sejal gets Yohan arrested

At the blast site Sejal wakes up and she started finding her parents. Sohali gets up and ran away from the location. Yohan wakes up and he sees Sejal helping people. Sejal got unconscious and Yohan lifts her up and took her with him. Minal and Saras started finding Sejal and Tanhaji told them that he saw her going to a shop nearby. Suryakant Sharma tells his agents to find Sohail at any cost. He also tells Tanhaji that we need Sejal now more then ever and gave him the task of finding her.

Yohan took Sejal to an unknown location and She wakes up. He treats her by putting bandage and lotion on her wounds. She says where is my mobile as I want to talk to my parents and Yohan says it got damaged in the blast. Sejal asks Yohan for mobile phone and he says I don’t have one. Tanhaji and other agents started enquiring about Sejal and Sohail at the streets of Srinagar.

Sejal sees Yohan talking to someone on phone and she thinks that this guy is not right. She escapes from the place and Yohan started chasing her. Some army men stopped Sejal and Yohan. They informed Suryakant that we found the girl. They asked Sejal by showing him Sohail’s photo, do you know this person and she says yes I saw him with Yohan after which Yohan gets arrested. Krish informs Veera and Arun that a bomb blast happened in Srinagar and Arun says I will talk to Srinagar’s police commissioner.

Next morning Sejal was leaving for Jamnagar and at airport Suryakant tells her to think once again. Sejal says that what you are telling me to do is impossible. Suryakant says its your fear which is speaking and he tells Sejal to give in a thought.

At Delhi Yohan was getting interrogated and he smartly tells the cop that whatever they are doing is against the law. Tanhaji tells Suryakant that he is smart.

Sejal came back home along with Saras, Minal, and Bamba. Dadi tries to ask her about her injuries and she went to make tea. Minal got sad seeing Sejal not happy and Bamba says we should call Sejal di’s best friend Jatin bhai. Saras says his idea is right. Sejal was going to burn her hand while making tea and Minal saved her after which she went to her room.

Sejal in her room wears a scarf and sits in front of the mirror and she asked Mata Rani by joining hands whom I should support Sejal or Mahira. Azaan started and Sejal opened her hands.

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