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Bekaaboo Season 2 Episode 1 (Bekaaboo Phir Se) Written Updates with all Hot Scenes Details

Kashti was making love to a guy on a window platform and the guy was very scared because of the height. While both of them were enjoying their romance session the glass platform starts cracking and after sometime it breaks completely after which both of them fell down in a net.

Anaysha, the best selling author was getting interviewed by a journalist and she questioned her about the success of her book Bekaaboo by indirectly taunting her that she used Kiyan to get successful but Anyasha gave her back. Kiyan at his house was watching the interview on TV and he says that he will say thank you to both Anaysha & Kashti in his own style.

Kashti was busy on her phone at the street and Kiyan comes from behind after which he pushed her towards a truck then he saves her. Kiyan moves across the road and removes the mask then he smiled. Kashti gets shocked seeing Kiyan.

Anaysha meets some guys at a restaurant who were giving her interview to marry her but Anaysha rejected them all. Kashti tries to romance a doctor named Gaurav but he was useless as he immediately pissed in his pants and Kashti throws him out.

Anaysha was talking to her mother on phone and she tells her that she rejected all the guys her mother selected for her marriage. Anaysha sees her dance instructor and she falls in love with him. Anaysha starts dance practice with her instructor and while dancing she starts imagining making love with him on bed.

Natasha, Kashti and Anaysha were having fun at a pub. Kashti and Natasha started pulling Anaysha’s leg. Anaysha tells Kashti about her next book phobia ad Kashti tells Anaysha that Kiyan is back to take revenge so be careful.

Kashti went in the parking lot and she gets shocked seeing Gaurav’s body in her car and there were pictures on the window of car and behind that picture it was written, ‘The End is Near.’ A masked guy on a bike charges at Kashti and then ran away.

A woman named Bidita Sanyal meets Anaysha in the pub and she thanked her telling her that her book Bekaaboo inspired her to move on in life after hearing this Anaysha gets emotional. It turns out that Bidita was partner in crime with Kiyan and she was helping him in taking revenge. Kiyan tells Bidita that currently he has the control of Anaysha’s whole building but he will take the revenge slowly by making her cry in pain.

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