Salman Khan, Aayush Sharma, Pragya Jaiswal and Mahima Makwana starrer Bollywood action film ‘Antim: The Final Truth’ trailer has been released recently. Directed by Mahesh Manjrekar, this film has been made under the banner of Salman Khan Films ‘SKF’ and Varun Dhawan is also making a cameo appearance in this movie. Antim: The Final Truth will release in theatres on 26 November 2021.
The trailer of Antim: The Final Truth has successfully raised the expectations from this film to a whole another level. Many people were not giving much importance to this film because of the silence of the makers as far as its promotions and marketing goes but only with its first trailer it has successfully made a long lasting impact.
After watching Antim’s trailer it appears that Salman’s brother-in-law Aayush has improved a lot as far as his acting goes and he seems to be the main antagonist in this film. Salman Khan has absolutely smashed it in his Sardar avatar in the trailer and also his banters with Aayush are too much fun to watch.
Sayaji Shinde appears to be the right hand of Salman in Antim and if we go by the history of his acting career then Sayaji will definitely add his own comic flavour in Antim for sure which is going to be the cherry on top.
Overall after watching the trailer of Antim: The Final Truth, we think that makers have made the right decision of delaying this film because these kind of movies definitely deserves a theatrical release.