Sequel of Prashanth Neel’s period action film KGF titled KGF Chapter 2 is going to release on 14 April 2022 worldwide. After watching the trailer of KGF 2 fans got very impressed with the glimpse of Sanjay Dutt’s character Adheera, who is also going to be the main antagonist in the film. Now recently a big debate has been started between KGF fans about who is the better villain between Adheera and Garuda. We will try to answer this question by comparing both these villains and at the end of it we will tell you which one is more cruel and stronger.
KGF : Garuda vs Adheera KGF villains side by side comparison :
Garuda – KGF Chapter 1 | Adheera – KGF Chapter 2 |
Gaurda’s character in KGF Chapter 1 was played by Ramachandra Raju | Adheera’s character in KGF Chapter 2 has been played by Sanjay Dutt |
Gaurda is the son of Suryavardhan (Owner of KGF mines) and he is also the heir to the mines | Adheera is the younger brother of Suryavardhan and he is the uncle of Garuda |
Garuda tried to kill Adheera by bombing his convoy | Adheera escaped death and Gaurda’s plan to kill him failed |
Garuda is strong and brutal but overconfident | Adheera is cruel and smart |
Garuda looks like a forest dacoit | Adheera looks like a viking |
Insecurity is a trait of Garuda’s personality and that’s why he tried to kill his uncle Adheera | Adheera is a man of his word and that’s why he didn’t took revenge from Garuda despite Garuda tried to kill him. |
Garuda got fooled by Rocky bhai (Rocking star Yash) and Rocky killed him as Garuda was unaware of his presence during the sacrifice ritual | Adheera outsmarted everyone by keeping himself hidden for so many years after Garuda attacked him. Everyone thought that Adheera was dead but it was a farce all along. |
Now after seeing the comparisons above you decide who is the better villain among Garuda and Adheera in KGF because both have completely different personalities and traits.