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WWE SmackDown 12 September 2020 Alexa Bliss hits Nikki Cross with Sister Abigail, Results, Written Details

Alexa Bliss shocks everyone as she hits Nikki Cross with a Sister Abigail on todays episode of SmackDown. Roman Reigns teams up with his bloodline brother Jey Uso against King Corbin and Sheamus in the main event. Bray Wyatt introduces a new puppet at the Firefly Funhouse. Bayley addresses the WWE Universe about the beatdown she gave to Sasha Banks last week. Jeff Hardy defends his Intercontinental Title against AJ Styles in a rematch.

WWE SmackDown 12 September 2020 Winners and Losers

1. Jeff Hardy (c) vs. AJ Styles Singles Match for Intercontinental Championship

Winner – No Contest

Loser – No Contest

Before the match can start, Sami Zayn walks out on the stage. Zayn says this match isn’t for the IC title. Zayn is the IC Champion. Just because he took a couple of months off for personal reasons WWE saw fit to crown a sham champion. This match needs to be on record as an exhibition match. Adam Pearce and security walk out and tells Zayn its time to go. Zayn screams this is an insult. AJ Styles attacks Jeff Hardy from behind.
When the bell rings, AJ Styles misses a splash in the corner. Jeff Hardy lands the Twist of Fate. Hardy misses the Swanton. Back from the break, Hardy trips Styles so he hits his face on the ring steps.

In the final moments of this match, AJ Styles sets up the Phenomenal Forearm. Sami Zayn appears out fo nowhere and pulls Styles off the apron. Zayn attacks Styles. Zayn rolls into the ring and hits a Helluva Kick on Jeff Hardy.
As Jeff Hardy was walking up the ramp he collapses.
After the break, AJ Styles says Sami Zayn has to stop. Jeff Hardy cheated to win the title and now Zayn claims to be the real champion. Styles says he can beat Zayn and Hardy. Styles doesn’t care what kind of match it is.

2. Lucha House Party vs. Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura Tag Team Match

Winners – Lucha House Party

Losers – Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura

Kalisto and Gran Metalik double team Cesaro. Shinsuke Nakamura tags in and catches Kalisto with a knee. Bad vibrations by Nakamura. Cesaro and Nakamura take turns working over Kalisto. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins appear on the ‘Tron. They were having a party in Cesaro and Nakamura’s champions lounge. In the confusion, Kalisto rolls up Cesaro for the win!

3. Lacey Evans vs. Nikki Cross vs. Tamina vs. Alexa Bliss Fatal 4 Way Number One Contender’s Match for SmackDown Women’s Championship

Winner – Nikki Cross

Losers – Lacey Evans, Alexa Bliss and Tamina

Alexa Bliss was tossed out of the ring early in this match, Lacey Evans misses her slingshot elbow. Bliss double dropkicks Evans and Tamina. Bliss hits the first par of insult to injury but Tamina breaks up the second part with a clothesline. Tamina boots Bliss in the face. Tamina splashes Bliss in the corner. Evans tears Tamina’s eyes across the top rope. Evans tries a headstand dropkick but Tamina kicks her in the chest before she can complete it.

Nikki Cross finally enters the match and gets a near fall on Tamina. Cross whips Bliss into a dropkick to Tamina and Evans. Bliss was looking off into space. Cross flattens Tamina and Evans with a crossbody off the apron. Bliss drops Cross a Sister Abigail on the floor. Bliss immediately starts looking off into space again.

During the break, Alexa Bliss leaves ringside. Bliss has a faraway look in her eyes. Evans lands her slingshot elbow on Tamina for a near fall. Evans goes up top but Tamina pulls her off the ropes. Evans hits her face on the turnbuckle. Tamina misses a hip attack in the corner. Headstand broncobuster by Evans. Evans crushes Tamina with a double jump moonsault. Cross breaks up the pin.

Nikki Cross crushes Tamina and Evans in the corner. Cross bulldogs Tamina while clotheslining Evans. Tornado DDT by Cross to Tamina. Tamina superkicks Evans. Cross eventually rolls up Tamina picking up the win.

4. Otis w/Tucker vs. John Morrison w/The Miz Singles Match

Winner – Otis

Loser – John Morrison

Otis tosses John Morrison around the ring. Miz jumps on the apron to distract Otis. Morrison tosses Miz the lunchbox with the MITB contract in it. Otis hits the Caterpillar followed by the Vader Bomb picking up the win.

5. Roman Reigns and Jey Uso w/Paul Heyman vs. King Corbin and Sheamus Tag Team Match

Winners – Roman Reigns and Jey Uso

Losers – King Corbin and Sheamus

As Jey Uso makes his entrance, Sheamus attacks him. Sheamus tosses Jey Uso into the ring as the bell rings. Jey Uso was surrounded. Jey Uso rolls up Corbin for a near fall. Jey Uso runs right into the deep six by Corbin. Jey Uso kicks out. Sheamus and Corbin take turns working over Jey Uso. Jey Uso knocks Sheamus off the apron. Jey Uso Samoan drops Corbin. Jey Uso misses a running hip attack. Sheamus gets a near fall after white noise. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick. Roman Reigns music hits. While Sheamus was distracted Jey Uso Superkicks Sheamus. Jey Uso goes up top but Roman Reigns tags himself in. Jey Uso hits the Uso Splash. When Jey Uso goes for the cover the referee tells him he isn’t legal. Roman Reigns Spears Sheamus picking up the win.

Roman Reigns helps Jey Uso to his feet and leaves. Jey Uso looks on as Heyman presents Reigns with the Universal Championship to Reigns. Jey Uso joins them on the ramp. Jey Uso raises Regins hand that he is holding the Universal championship with. Reigns gives Jey Uso a death stare for touching him and eyeing the championship.

WWE SmackDown 12 September 2020 All Segments Updates

1. Paul Heyman says they told everyone what was going to happen. Roman Reigns said he would come through and wreck everything and he walked away Universal Champion. Reigns authorized Heyman to tell the truth. Last week, Reigns’ bloodline stepped up and emerged the number one contender for the Universal Championship. Heyman has the honor and pleasure of introducing Reigns’ blood brother Jey Uso. Jey Uso enters the ring and joins Heyman and Reigns in the ring. Jey Uso says he has love for Heyman. Heyman goes way back with his family. Jey Uso thanks Heyman. Jey Uso says that he is excited to compete against his cousin at Clash of Champions. Heyman says he can take no credit. It was Reigns’ who gave the order to create the opportunity for Jey. Reigns says Jey Uso doesn’t have to thank him. Jey earned this. Everyone is proud of Jey Uso. This is Uso’s moment. Reigns says just like when they were kids he is going to whoop Jey Uso’s ass. After that, it will be all love. Jey Uso says it ain’t going down like that. King Corbin interrupts and says this is a classic case of nepotism. Corbin can’t stand when someone walks around and abuses their power. Sheamus walks out and says he agrees with Corbin. Sheamus says after he took out Big E it should have been made a triple threat match last week. Sheamus says he didn’t have time to prepare. Jey Uso challenges Sheamus and Corbin to a tag match later tonight. Jey Uso calls it the Blood vs. the Butt Mud. Sheamus tries to attack but Jey Uso takes out Sheamus and Corbin as Reigns looks on.

2. Backstage, Sami Zayn goes nuts because there was a graphic that says Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles will face off for the Intercontinental Championship later tonight.

3. Backstage, Jey Uso was trying to game plan with Roman Reigns for their tag team match later tonight but Reigns wasn’t paying attention.

4. Backstage, The Street Profits barge into Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura’s locker room. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins just wanted to check out the championship lounge. Cesaro says they don’t have time for this they have a match. Dawkins says they will hang out back here and scout the SmackDown Champions. Cesaro tells them not to touch anything. As soon as Cesaro and Nakamura leave, Dawkins and Ford make a mess.

5. During a video package, Kalisto refers to himself as the leader of Lucha House Party. Lince Dorado rolls his eyes.

6. Backstage, the trainer tells Jeff Hardy that he just needs some fluids. Sami Zayn storms in and Jeff Hardy attacks him.

7. Backstage, Bayley arrives and she was carrying a chair

8. Lucha House Party joins Montez Ford, Angelo Dawkins, and the rest at the party in Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura’s locker room.

9. Bayley enters the ring. Bayley sits in the chair she brought to the ring. Bayley says everyone wants to know how Sasha Banks is feeling and when she will be back. No one is asking how she is feeling. Bayley admits to loving every minute of the beatdown she gave Banks. Everyone wants answers well she has questions. Bayley isn’t dumb. Bayley knows that Banks was just biding her time. Banks pretended to be Bayley’s best friend. All along Banks was using her. Bayley knows that because she was using Banks. Bayley never cared about Banks. Thanks to Banks, Bayley was Bayley Dos Straps. Thanks to Banks, Bayley has held the SmackDown Women’s Championship for over a year. Bayley calls Banks useless. As Bayley walks up the ramp, Nikki Cross makes her entrance. Bayley and Cross stares at each other. As Cross gets closer to the ring, Bayley hits her with a chair.

10. Backstage, Otis reveals that Miz has the wrong lunchbox.

11. Backstage, the Miz tells John Morrison that his lawyer said there are loopholes in contracts and they could make this work. When Miz opens the lunchbox there is nothing in there but an apple core. Miz says he is calling ina. favor.

12. During Firefly Funhouse Segment, Bray Wyatt says because of Roman Reigns there is something missing from the Funhouse. How you deal with loss defines who you are. Wyatt says its time to have some fun. In this small box on a table, Wyatt claims the newest member of the Fire Pasqualla the Persevering Parrot. Wyatt wants the Parrot to come out and says something inspirational. Nothing happens. Wyatt looks in the box and he was terrified. Wyatt says he probably should have cut some holes in the box. Wyatt chucks the box. The Vince Puppet comes in and yells at Wyatt. Wyatt clearly can’t handle the Funhouse on his own. Vince Puppet says Wyatt better play along or else he’s… fir… before Vince Puppet can finish, Wyatt agrees. Vince Puppet introduces the Special Advisor to the Firefly Wobbly Walrus (Paul Heyman Puppet)!

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