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WWE NXT 30 July 2020 Results, Segments Highlights Written Details

Women’s tag team contest opened todays episode of NXT as the team of Io Shirai and Tegan Nox went against Dakota Kai and Candice LeRae also Rhea Ripley says that she has her eyes on the NXT Women’s title. Imperium destroyed Ever-Rise in a tag team battle. Mercedes Martinez had her first singles match since joining the Robert Stone Brand. Johnny Gargano and Roderick Strong had a singles match also in the main event we saw a triple threat match between Dexter Lumis, Finn Balor and Timothy Thatcher for a spot in the ladder match for North American Championship at NXY TakeOver.

WWE NXT 30 July 2020 Winners and Losers

1. Dakota Kai and Candice LeRae vs. Io Shirai and Tegan Nox Tag Team Match

Winners – Io Shirai and Tegan No

Losers – Dakota Kai and Candice LeRae

Io Shirai was making her entrance for the opening tag match but she was attacked by Dakota Kai, quickly all four women rushed the ring and we were off with our first match. Tegan Nox hits Candice LeRae with The Shiniest Wizard when the referee was distracted while checking on Io and Dakota at ringside. Io then gets back up top and hits a moonsault for the pin and the win. After the match, Dakota Kai leaves Candice behind not worrying about her well-being.

2. Johnny Gargano vs. Roderick Strong Singles Match

Winner – Johnny Gargano

Loser – Roderick Strong

Roderick Strong drops Johnny Gargano with an up kick and Johnny sends him out of the ring with a superkick before missing a baseball slide, but hitting a head scissors into the barricade. Johnny then sends Strong into the plexiglass barricade at ringside before rolling him back into the ring and hitting The Final Beat for the pin and the win.

3. Shotzi Blackheart vs. Mercedes Martinez Singles Match

Winner – Mercedes Martinez

Loser – Shotzi Blackheart

Shotzi Blackheart counters a fisherman’s buster and Mercedes Martinez counters a sliced bread in the corner. Martinez then hits spider suplex off the top before hitting a variation of an air raid crash for the 3 count.

4. IMPERIUM vs. Ever-Rise Tag Team Match

Winners – IMPERIUM

Losers – Ever-Rise

IMPERIUM had a strong showing in a nice enhancement match. They tried to cut a promo after the match, but we’re interrupted by all of the Undisputed era who came out and simply tore them to shreds.

5. Isaiah Scott vs. Jake Atlas Singles Match

Winner – Isaiah Scott

Loser – Jake Atlas

Jake Atlas hits a springboard blockbuster for two and he also gets a two-count off of a headlock driver. Isaiah Scott gets his own two off of a German suplex. In the end, Isaiah counters the Rainbow DDT and Isaiah superkicks him before hitting The House Call. Isaiah then rolls Jake back into the ring and hits the JML driver for the pin and the win.

6. Finn Balor vs Dexter Lumis vs Timothy Thatcher North American Championship Ladder Match Qualifier Match

Winner – Dexter Lumis

Loser – Finn Balor and Timothy Thatcher

Dexter Lumis locks in The Silence on Timothy Thatcher while he has Finn Balor in the ankle lock. Dexter then chokes Tim unconscious while he has the ankle lock on Finn until the referee makes him stop.

WWE NXT 30 July 2020 All Segments Updates

1. Dakota Kai was interviewed backstage about being the number one Contender, she says she’s no longer a team player. Rhea Ripley makes an appearance and said she’s glad Dakota is no longer a team player but she takes offense at her saying that she’s the number one contender before Kai. Kai says that she’s going to talk to General Manager Regal.

2. Timothy Bachelor was also interviewed about the upcoming triple threat match.

3. Back from break, the Undisputed ERA is shown arguing.

4. A promo was shown for Ridge Holland Debuting in NXT America. He was originally a star in NXT UK before that brand had to temporarily shut down.

5. Keith Lee Cut a promo on Karrion Kross. Cameron Grimes cut off Lee and tried to say that he would be the next Champion but Keith remained stone-faced until Grimes was in Arm’s Reach. After Keith disposed of Grimes, Scarlet appeared and set the stage for a Kross promo. Lee basically said no matter the time or the place, he had no problem whipping Kross’ ass.

6. William Regal appeared very quickly saying that he had no intention of being bullied into making a championship match and reminded everyone that Championship matches are earned in NXT.

7. It was announced that next week the Undisputed Era will challenge for the Tag Team Championship.

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