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MTV Roadies Journey in South Africa Episode 10 Written Updates 29 April 2022 – Third Vote Out, Who Voted Against Whom, Gaurav and Moose gets eliminated

Early in the morning Kevin and his team were enjoying Rage coffee. Roadies received a message from Sonu Sood on their smartphones asking them to come for the next vote out. Arsh & Arushi and Moose & Gaurav were the prime targets. Kevin and Gaurav tried their best to convince other roadies so that they agree to waste their vote.

At the vote out location Sonu Sood gave a special power to both the immune buddy pairs (Ashish & Sakshi and Baseer & Jashwanth) that they can mutually decide one buddy pair to immune them from todays vote out.

Kevin, Ashish and Sakshi did pitching for Arsh and Arushi. Kavya and Baseer did pitching for Gaurav and Moose.

Baseer asked what if we didn’t come to a mutual understanding? Sonu Sood responds Baseer, Jashwanth, Ashish, and Sakshi will lose their immunity.

Baseer took word from Ashish and he agreed that him, Sakshi and his other team members won’t vote against Gaurav & Moose during the vote out after which Baseer agrees to give immunity to Arsh and Arsh. Even Kevin said that I agree with this deal.

Nandini G gets a special advantage as she got to cast two votes against one buddy pair but her vote will be a open vote.

Time came for vote out and roadies started voting out buddy pairs one by one

Roadies Journey in South Arica Third Vote Out – Who voted out Whom :

  • Nandini G voted out Sidharth Manoj and Kavya Khurana (2 Votes)
  • Sidharth Manoj voted out Kevin Almasifar and Soundous Moufakir
  • Soundous Moufakir voted out Sidharth Manoj and Kavya Khurana
  • Jashwanth Bopanna voted out Sohil Jhuti and Simi Talsania
  • Baseer Ali voted out Sohil Jhuti and Simi Talsania
  • Gaurav Alugh voted out Sohil Jhuti and Simi Talsania
  • Sohil Jhuti voted out Gaurav Alugh and Moose Jattana
  • Yukti Arora voted out Gaurav Alugh and Moose Jattana
  • Simi Talsania voted out Gaurav Alugh and Moose Jattana
  • Sakshi Sharma voted out Gaurav Alugh and Moose Jattana
  • Kevin Almasifar voted out Gaurav Alugh and Moose Jattana
  • Moose Jattana voted out Sohil Jhuti and Simi Talsania
  • Kavya Khurana voted out Sohil Jhuti and Simi Talsania
  • Ashish Bhatia voted out Gaurav Alugh and Moose Jattana
  • Arsh Wahi voted out Gaurav Alugh and Moose Jattana
  • Arushi Chawla voted out Gaurav Alugh and Moose Jattana

Gaurav Alugh and Moose Jattana got eliminated with 8 votes against them

Baseer was so disappointed because Ashish and Kevin both backstabbed him as even after giving their word they voted out Gaurav & Moose. Before leaving the show Moose cried a lot and after hugging Baseer Ali both Gaurav and Moose left the show. Baseer says that now the game will become very difficult for him as he was left with all the people who want him out of the show

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