Bollywood con-comedy sequel film ‘Bunty Aur Babli 2’ was released in theatres yesterday worldwide and it has made a poor opening at Indian box office as Varun V. Sharma directorial has earned only Rs 2.60 crore on Friday which is very disappointing and way below our expectations. Akshay Kumar starrer Sooryavanshi has already proved few weeks backs that despite Covid19 Pandemic and Cinemas working only at a 50% capacity, Bollywood films can do good business but for that the content needs to be of apex quality. Bunty aur Babli 2 features big names like Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukerji in lead roles alongside young talent like Siddhant Chaturvedi and Sharvari Wagh, It seems producer Aditya Chopra has spent too much money in making this film and ir will be pretty hard for him to earn the budget back.
Due to the Guru Nanak Jayanti holiday in North India, Bunty Aur Babli 2 has received a bit of boost but it failed to capitalize on that boost as the public word from mouth was very poor. Most of the people coming out of the cinema halls after watching this film appeared angry and it seems like only a miracle can save this film now from emerging out as a big disaster at box office. A lot depends on the Sunday business of this film but we don’t have much hopes for the things to turn around as critics reviews and public response both are not doing it any favours.
On day 2 the morning business of Bunty Aur Babli 2 was quite slow and the audience response was lackluster yet again. In the afternoon shows it felt completely flat but its business picked up a little bit during the late evening and night shows. On the single screens Bunty Aur Babli 2 is doing way better in terms of overall business as compared to the multiplexes and PVR’s. In the state of Maharashtra it is failing to collect good income and this belt is regarded as the most important when it comes to the box office collections of Bollywood films.
The Overall Occupancy Rate of Bunty Aur Babli 2 on Saturday, 20 Nov 2021 was recorded somewhere between the range of 10% – 25% and these figures are way more poor as compared to its Friday Occupancy Rate numbers. Well if this film failed to make a big turn around tomorrow then we can say it with full confirmation that it is going to be a super flop at box office India.
Bunty Aur Babli 2 second day collection in India is – Rs 2.50 crore