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WWE RAW 22 February 2021 Results, Highlights, Lashley came to collect his debt – Written Details

Bobby Lashley tells the Miz to fulfill the deal he promised on tonights edition of Monday Night RAW. Rhea Ripley announced as the latest addition into the women’s division of the red brand. Randy Orton vomits blood while he was blaming Alexa Bliss for his recent failures. Lashley faces Strowman in a singles match in the main event.


WWE RAW 22 February 2021 Winners and Losers

1. Matt Riddle vs. John Morrison – Singles Match

Winner – Matt Riddle

Loser – John Morrison

This was a very competitive match between two athletic technicians of the squared circle. In the end Morrison climbs the ropes for Starship Pain but Riddle manages to catch him mid way and hits his finisher BroDerek pinning him for the win.

2. The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) vs. Retribution (Mace and T-Bar) – Tag Team Match

Winners – The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods)

Losers – Retribution (Mace and T-Bar)

Both Mace and T-Bar dominated Kofi Kingston in the early stages of this match tagging each other in and out one by one. Mustafa Ali, Reckoning and Slapjack were cheering them outside the ring. Kingston hits Mace with a Trouble in Paradise and he was thrown outside the ring after which Kingston hits one more Trouble in Paradise to T-Bar and pins him up for the win.

Post Match – Mustafa Ali shouts at all the members of Retribution hinting at the signs of a eventual breakup of the faction.

3. Shelton Benjamin and Cadric Alexander vs. Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik) – Tornado Tag Team Match

Winners – Shelton Benjamin and Cadric Alexander

Losers – Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik)

MVP joins the commentary team for this match. As a result of some brilliant team work the currrent RAW tag team champions ‘Benjamin and Cedric’manages to get a pinfall victory over Lucha House Party.

4. Damian Priest with Bad Bunny vs. Angel Garza – Singles Match

Winner – Damian Priest

Loser – Angel Garza

Angel Garza hits Damian Priest with a running Clothesline and throws him out of the ring. Garza had an interaction with Bad Bunny which causes a distraction and Priest hits Garza with his finisher pinning him for the win.

5. Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax vs. Charlotte Flair and Asuka – Tag Team Match

Winners – Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax

Losers – Charlotte Flair and Asuka

Charlotte Flair struck Asuka by accident after which Nia Jax hits Asuka with a Leg Drop pinning her for the win.

6. Sheamus vs. Jeff Hardy – Singles Match

Winner – Sheamus

Loser – Jeff Hardy

7. Lana and Naomi vs. Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose Tag Team Match

Winners – Lana and Naomi

Losers – Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose

Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose work over Lana in their corner. Jax and Baszler were watching backstage. Brooke lands a cartwheel elbow. Lana manages to tag in Naomi. Lana knocks Brooke off the apron. Naomi and Lana hit a double X-Factor on Rose for the win.

8. AJ Styles vs. Ricochet – Singles Match

Winner – AJ Styles

Loser – Ricochet

Ricochet climbs the top rope for his finisher but Styles stops him and hits him with the Styles Clash for the win.

Post Match – Omos lifts Ricochet and slams him down the mat

9. Bobby Lashley vs. Braun Strowman – Singles Match (If Strowmaan wins then he will be added to the WWE Championship maatch next week)

Winner – Bobby Lashley

Loser – Braun Strowman

Miz comes down the ramp and joins commentary team before the start of this match. Lashley dominated Strowman throughout the match and finishes him off with a running spear.

Post Match – Lashley puts Strowman in the Hurt Lock and he fades away. Miz came in the ring to attack Lashley with the title but Lashley caught him off and slams him down the mat. Lashley hits Miz with a Spear ending the night making a statement.

WWE RAW 22 February 2021 All Segments Updates

1. MIZ TV SEGMENT – John Morrison introduces the NEW WWE Champion, The Miz. Fireworks blare as Miz walks down the ramp to the ring. Miz welcomes everyone to Miz TV, Championship Edition. Miz recalls his past and everyone thinking he’s was going to be fired as soon as he joined WWE. Miz says he’s outlasted everyone, including, Batista, Edge, Bobby Lashley, Cena, none of them measure up. Miz says his career reads like a Jeopardy clue. Miz is the only two-time grand slam champion. Miz says he is holding the title because he deserves it. He didn’t ask for anyone’s respect. He earned it. Bobby Lashley’s music hits. Bobby Lashley and MVP walks down to the ring. MVP congratulates Miz on winning the WWE title. MVP says MIZ omitted what Lashley did to help Miz win the title last night. MIz says he forgot and he totally agrees. Miz says they are going to go celebrate. MVP says Miz promised Lashley the first shot. Miz says he has a lot going on and now isn’t a good time. Lashley says Miz has one hour to give him what he wants. Lashley grabs Miz by the tie and tells Miz he is going to give Lashley what he wants or Miz will be starring in a new TV Show called “How Lashley sent me to the emergency room” and its going to be painful, merciless and awesomeeee.

2. A video package was shown announcing that Rhea Ripley is coming soon on RAW

3. Shame McMahon announced a match for tonight between Braun Stowman and Bobby Lashley with stipulation that if Strowman wins tonight then next week on RAW Bobby Lashley and Braun will face Miz in a triple threat match for WWE Championship. After this announcement Lashley attacked Strowman from behind.

4. Backstage, Randy Orton blames Alexa Bliss for his recent failures as he got distracted by her. Orton starts to have breathing issues then he started vomiting blood.

5. Backstage, Charlotte Flair requested Ric Flair to Go Home. Ric says that he is just trying to expand and motivate the women’s division also he’s not the father of Lacey’s baby. Charlotte again tells him to go home.

6. In Ring Segement – AJ Styles was in the ring with his very tall friend. Styles says they are having a team meeting tonight. Styles introduced everyone while sucking up to each of them as much as possible. Styles admits that last night got off to a rocky start. That’s just because they were missing the final piece of the puzzle. The missing piece was Matt Riddle. Keith Lee cuts Styles off and says Styles cheap shotted him last week so he owes him one. Sheamus calls Lee a hypocrite because he attacked him last week. Riddle tries to play peacekeeper. Riddle makes a joke about Sheamus’ face being red. Styles tries to motivate everyone by putting over the SmackDown Team. Styles says if they don’t want to lose they have to work together to be the best of the best. Styles calls himself team captain and everyone says he isn’t the captain. Styles says he got Pearce to book a tag match with Strowman teaming with Sheamus to face Lee and Riddle. Styles is going to be the special guest referee.

7. Backstage, Angel Garza says women deserve a man like him. No other man matches up. Before he gives

8. Backstage, Nikki Cross comes to AAlexa Bliss and tells her that its time to choose between Nikki and Fiend. Alexa Bliss says I choose him and walks away.

9. Backstage, Adam Pearce tells Randy Orton he has to defend his title against Drew McIntyre next week. Orton yokes up Pearce and complains. Pearce says he is just the messenger.

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