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Woh To Hai Albelaa episode 9 written updates 24 March 2022 – Sayuri cries after Saroj scolds her for hurting Krishna

Krishna tells Chiru that she will make your life a horror film. Chiru tells him to go and be Hanuman Ji, pass on the message of love. He further tells him that he used to love Sayuri since the time both the families were together and maybe this relation will end the animosity. Krishna asks will you be able to tell this to mom.

Saroj says Chiru is a kid and he doesn’t know what’s good for him or bad. She says she shouldn’t have sent him to foreign country. Dhanraj says why are you putting ropes around his feet. Saroj responds I am mother and I understand better, I have a feeling that this girl isn’t right for Chiru and I need to talk to him.

Chiru tells Krishna that he can’t tell Saroj right now about Sayuri because he is afraid that mom might get hurt but still he loves Sayuri a lot. Nakul asks Rashmi what’s happening between my brothers I want to know. Rashmi tells him to select one hand and Nakul did that. Rashmi says everything will be alright and he asks what if I had chosen the other hand, she responds even then everything would have been alright. Nakul tells Rashmi that he gets happy talking to her after that he takes off her hair clip.

Chiru says it will be good for both the families if they get together again and Krishna responds why are you trying to make the impossible possible. Chiru says why are you saying this. Krishna says I hate Sayuri more then you love her and Chiru says then you need to end your hate for her. Krishna asks can you say this to mother and Chiru says I thought you will support me. Krishna says she is not right for you and Chiru says one day you yourself will say that Sayuri is best for Choudhary family. Chiru tells Krishna that your hate for her is baseless and Krishna says I have strong reasons. Chiru says my love for you and Sayuri is equal and without her I will die. Krishna asks so you can’t change your decision and Chiru says no. Chiru tells him to not to create any problems for him and Sayuri. Krishna receives a phone call.

Saroj started shouting Sayuri’s name and whole Sharma family went out. Sayuri gets worried seeing Krishna with Saroj. Saroj asks Sayuri why are you after my son as he is quite simple and you are very clever. She warns Sayuri to stay away from her son. Sayuri says I haven’t done anything and Chiru took her side. Krishna tells Chiru to keep quiet as because of Sayuri he got hurt. Flashback shown, Krishna’s feet got injured because of the broken glass.

Saroj says it seems you are taking revenge of that temple day and Indu says if she wanted to take revenge then she would have given slap in return of slap. Dadi says everyone goes from this street. Saroj says I am telling Chiru’s father since long to buy our old house back and throw them out of here. Indu says glass was broken by Krishna but still you are saying nothing to him and Saroj responds no because I have full faith on my upbringing. Pihu tells Indu why are we giving explanation to them.

Saroj tells Pihu that I don’t need reason as Sayuri herself becomes reason and Sayuri says aunty this is wrong as Kanha creates problems and I am the one who gets blamed always. Krishna challenges Sayuri to tell why I broke glass and Chiru tells Krishna to keep quiet and I will get the glasses fixed. Dadi says you don’t need to put new glass on our window Chiru, just break the glasses of your house from where you mom keeps an eye on our house whole day. Saroj tells Krishna to lets leave from here. Krishna tells Chiru lets leave bhaiya and Chiru says you go. Saroj calls them both saying come inside as enemies bad sight might hurt you. Sayuri says I just hate you Kanha.

Sayuri started crying in her bed and Indu tells her to stop crying. Dadi says Balwant is watching and he might feel bad. Sayuri says sorry papa. Pihu says why are you crying di as its their fault, Rashmi says why are you talking in between Pihu, Pihu says if they hurt my sister then I will speak. Dadi says no one can make us cry as we need to have courage inside of us. Sayuri says I have a lot of courage but I am also scared and Rashmi says then you should remember Papa’s song. Dadi says I will tell Kanha to stop annoying you. Krishna makes a vlog and says life is full of surprises and this surprise was like a shock for me but we will talk about this shock in next vlog till then bye.

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