The latest Desi village-based web series, “De Dana Dan,” has recently premiered on the ULLU OTT APP. The web series stars Rani Pari, Pihu Singh, and Malvika in lead roles. This six-episode series features numerous hot romantic scenes, including both straight and lesbian romances. The plot is well-crafted, with a mysterious ending that leaves viewers intrigued.
De Dana Dan ULLU Web Series Story Complete Written Details
The story of ULLU App’s “De Dana Dan” revolves around a young struggling journalist named Radhika. In a bid to save her job by creating an engaging documentary, she travels to a village in Dariyabad and stays at her aunt Payal’s place. There, she learns about a suspicious location known as “Bansi Ka Tabela.” Radhika begins investigating the mysterious Bansi Ka Tabela with the help of Dr. Hasmukh and her aunt’s brother-in-law, Rohan.
Soon, Radhika discovers that a local school teacher named Reshma is running Bansi Ka Tabela. One night, Radhika visits the tabela and witnesses Reshma in a lesbian romantic encounter with another woman. A few days later, Radhika confronts Reshma, and they fall in love with each other, culminating in a romantic encounter at Reshma’s house.
In the end, Radhika finds out that Reshma is already married. Reshma then shares an emotional story about her husband’s death due to their poverty. Despite this, Reshma allows Radhika to publish the story about Bansi Ka Tabela, after which Radhika leaves the village.
Complete Star Cast Info with Characters’ Names
- Rani Pari as Radhika (A struggling journalist)
- Pihu Singh as Payal (Radhika’s aunt)
- Malvika as Reshma (A local school teacher)
- Bharat Bhatia as Rohan (Payal’s brother-in-law)
Where to Watch De Dana Dan Web Series?
You can watch the “De Dana Dan” web series starring Rani Pari, Pihu Singh, and Malvika on the ULLU OTT APP and website.
What is the Release Date of ULLU De Dana Dan Web Series?
ULLU “De Dana Dan” is a two-part web series. Part 1 was released on July 19, 2024, while Part 2 was released on July 26, 2024.
What is the Run-Time Duration of ULLU De Dana Dan Web Series?
The “De Dana Dan” web series consists of six episodes with the following durations:
- Episode 1: 23 minutes and 51 seconds
- Episode 2: 22 minutes and 11 seconds
- Episode 3: 23 minutes and 1 second
- Episode 4: 26 minutes and 6 seconds
- Episode 5: 19 minutes and 27 seconds
- Episode 6: 21 minutes and 29 seconds