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MTV Splitsvilla 15 Episode 35 Recap: What Happened on July 27, 2024? Full Written Updates

In MTV Splitsvilla 15 Episode 35, aired on July 27, 2024, viewers witnessed intense drama and unexpected twists. Following last week’s events, Jashwanth Bopanna and Akriti Negi secured power by winning the challenge, dethroning the ideal match of Lakshay and Anicka. Anicka was furious with Akriti and stormed into her room to confront her.

Anicka and Akriti’s Heated Confrontation

Lakshay followed Anicka to Akriti’s room, where Anicka unleashed her anger at both Akriti and Jashwanth for their behaviour after gaining power. Akriti laughed off Anicka’s accusations, and Jashwanth smirked. Siwet Tomar, feeling neglected by Anicka, questioned his importance to her, while Lakshay vowed to oust Akriti if he regained power.

MTV Splitsvilla 15 vEpisode 35 Written Details Complete

Addy and Kashish’s Tensions

In his room, Addy complained to Dev Karan about Kashish’s bad behaviour and her derogatory speech after the previous challenge. Kashish entered, and Addy showed his attitude, which she did not appreciate. Dev Karan informed Kashish of Addy’s issues with her.

Anicka was also upset with Siwet for spending time with other villa mates instead of comforting her during her low point, as Lakshay was with her. Siwet told Anicka he wouldn’t come to her when Lakshay was present.

Harsh Arora’s Advice and Apologies

Kashish confided in Harsh Arora about her issues with Addy. Harsh, like an elder brother, advised Addy not to fight with Kashish, as anyone could leave the show at any point. Addy accused Kashish of playing the victim card and apologized, but Kashish found it insincere.

Dome Session Drama

At the Dome session, Arbaz revealed that Harsh had refused to perform for Nayera Ahuja and Digvijay Singh Rathee. Harsh and Nayera argued over their conduct during the challenge. Lakshay supported Nayera, and Harsh told him not to interfere, leading Digvijay to defend Lakshay’s right to speak.

Jashwanth accused Harsh of sabotaging their performance, but Siwet defended Harsh, saying he didn’t understand the task. Tanuj and Sunny agreed with Siwet.

Love vs. Power Decisions

Sunny Leone gave the contestants a choice between power and love:

  • Harsh Arora chose love, joining Rushali Yadav on the unsafe side.
  • Shubhi Joshi chose power over her love connection Dev Karan.
  • Digvijay Singh Rathee chose power.
  • Nayera Ahuja chose love, joining Arbaz Patel on the unsafe side.

Power Plays and Eliminations

Kashish chose power over love, joining Digvijay on the safe side. Lakshay also chose power, joining Shubhi. Kashish criticized Addy’s casual reaction, and Tanuj pointed out Addy’s lack of effort to stop her.

Jashwanth and Akriti, as the previous task winners, saved Rushali Yadav. Siwet Tomar saved Anicka.

Complete Voting Details

The votes for unsafe Splitsvillains were revealed as follows:

  • Addy voted for Siwet and Anicka.
  • Dev Karan voted for Siwet and Anicka.
  • Nayera Ahuja voted for Jashwanth and Akriti.
  • Arbaz Patel voted for Jashwanth and Akriti.
  • Harsh Arora voted for Siwet and Anicka.
  • Deekila voted for Siwet and Anicka.
  • Aniket voted for Siwet and Anicka.

The votes for dumping from both ideal matches were:

  • Jashwanth and Akriti voted to dump Arbaz and Nayera.
  • Siwet and Anicka voted to dump Arbaz and Nayera.

As the unsafe Splitsvillains voted, and Siwet & Anicka faced the Oracle, confirming they were an ideal match. Arbaz and Nayera were almost eliminated but were saved by the mischief box twist.

Emotional Goodbyes

Addy and Dev Karan were eliminated, giving emotional farewell speeches. Kashish teared up, and Addy advised her to relax, as it was just a game. Addy expressed his desire for Siwet, Harsh, or Jashwanth to win and hugged Tanuj and Sunny before leaving.


Q: What was the highlight of MTV Splitsvilla 15 Episode 35?

A: The highlight was the intense confrontations between contestants and the strategic choices between power and love, leading to unexpected eliminations.

Q: Who were the contestants saved by Jashwanth and Akriti?

A: Jashwanth and Akriti saved Rushali Yadav.

Q: Who faced the Oracle in this episode?

A: Siwet Tomar and Anicka faced the Oracle and were confirmed as an ideal match.

Q: What twist saved Arbaz and Nayera from elimination?

A: The mischief box twist saved Arbaz and Nayera, allowing those who chose love to stay in Splitsvilla.

Q: Who got eliminated in this episode?

A: Addy and Dev Karan were eliminated from MTV Splitsvilla 15.

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