The season three of Dance Deewane on Colors TV has started on 27 Feb 2021 and this time Madhuri Dixit Nene, Dharmesh Yelande and Tushar Kalia are judging the show while Raghav Juyal is the host. The show has a new twist this time around as not only Solo contestants but Duos, Trios and Groups can also showcase their talent and they have an equal chance of winning.
Dharmesh Yelande first came on stage and he performed on Muqabala song. Next was Tushar Kalia and he danced on Bekhayali song. Madhuri Dixit Nene came after that and she danced with Dharmesh Yelande and Kushar Kalia on Dance Deewane Title Song.
Raghav Juyal was introduced as the host of Dance Deewane Season 3.
Dance Deewane Season 3 EP 1 Contestants Names with Performances, Selections and Rejections
First Solo contestant – Jamuna – Age 44 Yrs – Jamuna got too much excited seeing her idol Madhuri Dixit and Raghav had a lot of fun with her. Jamuna performed on I Love You Pyar Karu Chu song. Madhuri Dixit and Tushar Kalia selected her by pressing the play buzzer. Later Dharmesh Yelande also pressed the play button for her.
Second Solo Contestant – Sohali Khan – Age 6 Yrs – Sohali gave a very acrobatic hip hop style performance on Dhan Te Nan song and he got standing ovation from all these judges as they pressed the play buzzer together. Sohali challenged Tushar to a push up competition and Tushar lost the challenge.
Third Solo Contestant – Piyush – Age 22 Yrs – Piyush performed on the legendary Flute Song on which Dharmesh Sir gave performance earlier. Piyush got a standing ovation from all three judges and they pressed the play buzzer together. Dharmesh sir got extremely happy seeing this performance and he hugged Piyush. Dharmesh gave autograph on the back of his T-Shirt and he took Piyush’s autograph on his handkerchief.
Fourth Group – Infinity Crew (All Girls Group) Age 21-25 Yrs – The all girl group got selected as all three judges pressed the play buzzer for them.
Fifth Group – Demolition Crew – Age 12-26 Yrs – The Demolition Crew gets selected as all three judges pressed play button for them.
Fifth Duo – Papai and Antara – Age 23-18 Yrs – Papai and Antara gave a Acro Bollywood performance on O Saki Saki Re Song. All three judges pressed the play button for them together. Madhuri whistled for them. Dharmesh gave them a standing ovation. Tushar called them the Dare Devil of Dance Deewane.
Sixth Solo Contestant – Narendra Khatri – Narendra gave a funny break dance performance on Kya Hai Problem song. Judges laughed a lot on his dance. Host Raghav Juyal also had some masti with him. Raghav also did very funny dance on Kya Hai Problem and all the three judges had too much fun.
Seventh Solo Contestant – Uday Singh – Age 23 Yrs – Uday gave an awesome performance on Bhagwan Hai Kaha Re Tu song. Uday started crying at the end of his performance as he forgot his steps because of nervousness. Dharmesh and Raghav tried to calm him down. Uday gets another chance and he performed on Yeh Jism Hai Toh Kya song. Uday gets an ovation from the judges. All three judges pressed play button for him and Uday gets selected.
Eighth Solo Contestant – Presha – Age 6 Yrs -Presha gave a Bharatnatyam performance on London Thumakda song. All three judgess praised her a lot after which her mother came on stage as she taught her Bharatnatyam. Both mother and daughter performed Bharatnatyam on Jiya Jale song then. Dharmesh called her mother on stage and asked her to press all three play buttons for her daughter and she did the same. Dharmesh requested them to bring some Gujarati food for them next time they come to perform.