Bunty Aur Babli 2 star cast including Rani Mukerji, Sharvari Wagh, and Siddhant Chaturvedi will join Salman Khan today on stage at the Bigg Boss 15 Weekend Ka Vaar episode. Rani Mukerji will be seen dancing on some of her iconic songs with host Salman Khan and they both will do a lot of fun on stage. Later on Sharvari and Siddhant will enter the house to do some activities and task with the contestants.
Nafrat Ka Keechad task will be announced by Sharvari and Siddhant in which dirty muddy water will be thrown by housemates on each other to show their anger. Neha Bhasin will throw dirty water on Karan Kundrra for playing dirty game in the house, Umar Riaz will throw dirty water on Pratik Sehajpal for being the most irritating member of the house.
Umar and Pratik had a big fight in front of the guests Sharvari and Siddhant and during that fight they both got too much aggressive with each other.
Salman Khan bashed Umar Riaz for his too much of aggression in the house, Salman also told Jay that he is losing the plot big time and he just has a voice but not issues. Salman said that it doesn’t matter whether Jay is here or not. Salman heavily bashed Pratik for bullying Rajiv and he told him if he was in the house then Pratik would have begged to throw him out of the house.