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Aly Goni brags about Jasmin Bhasin Instagram Followers on Twitter – Superiority Complex Exposed

Bigg Boss 14 is over now but seems like the cold war is still on and social media is the battle ground now a days as Aly Goni’s latest tweet bragging about his girlfriend Jasmin Bhasin’s Instagram followers proves exactly that.

Recently on social media site Twitter a war took place between Rubina and JasLy fandoms as some controversy took place due to some leaked conversation from Rahul Mahajan’s BB14 reunion party video which were taken completely out of context and without knowing about the whole context JasLy fans like a bull charged on twitter by trending JASMIN KE GHAR HUM JAYEGE as a answer to which Rubina Dilaik fans gave a befitting reply by trending STOP BEING JEALOUS OF RUBINA and the Rubina trend was trended over 1.25 Million tweets in less then 24 hours.

But it seems like both Aly Goni and Jasmin Bhasin are so much obsessed with Rubina that they are not letting go the things and the latest tweet by ASly Goni proves exactly that.

On 3 March 2021, Aly Goni tweeted:

This tweet seems to be a direct taunt to Rubina Dilaik who has less followers then Jasmin Bhasin on Instagram at the moment but at the same time on Twitter Rubina is way ahead in terms of followers then both Jasmin and Aly.

Also this tweet from Aly Goni somewhat reeks of Superiority Complex but as we all know that on these social media sites PR plays a very important role when it comes to gaining followers but in reality we all saw who has more organic and real fans as Jasmin Bhasin was not even in Top 10 while Rubina Dilaik was the winner of BB14.

So its our advice to Mr. Goni to think twice before bragging next time as reality is completely different.

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