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5 Biggest Plot Holes in Zee TV’s Kundali Bhagya – Bad Writing with Zero Logic

Zee TV’s popular daily soap Kundali Bhagya is continuously topping the TRP charts every week on the BARC ratings system but despite its massive popularity this show has some very big plot holes in its script and some of them are even unforgivable. The most surprising part is that the Indian viewers are not even questioning the lack of logic and sense in this show as they are buying everything the writers are feeding to them.

Here are the top 5 plot holes in Kundali Bhagya TV show which will even make you think for a second that whether this show actually deserves to be on top in TRP ratings or not :

Sherlyn’s Pregnancy – Scienstists should research on it

The main antagonist of Kundali Bhagya ‘Sherlyn Khurana’ is pregnant with Prithvi Malhotra’s child since the last two years and till now she hasn’t given birth to her child. Not only that but she doesn’t even have a baby bump on the show as it seems that the writers have completely forgotten about her pregnancy and now everything is normal as usual. By the way when this whole angle started two years back, it was told that she cannot abort her child otherwise the character Sherlyn Khurana will die so that abortion theory also doesn’t work here.

Well in our opnion this character of Sherlyn Khurana is a miracle in its own and NASA Scientists should do a research on her as maybe we will get a cure for the Covid earlier then expected.

Karan’s Sister Ruchika – Does she still exists

When Kundali Bhagya started we were all introduced to a character named Ruchika, the daughter of Rakhi Luthra and Mahesh Luthra also the sister of Karan Luthra and Rishabh Luthra. But since the last 2 years makers have forgot about her and there is no mentioning of her anymore on the show.

Also they haven’t even write her off by doing some kind of angle. It is just that Rakhi Luthra and Mahesh Luthra have forgotten that they have a daughter as well but who cares as we don’t care about the logic and only TRP matters.

Karan is a Cricketer – Yeah Sure Why Not

The main male protagonist of Kundali Bhagya ‘Karan Luthra’ is a international level cricketer on the show who also got selected for Indian T20 side in the previous episodes. But the funny part is that you will see him everywhere on the show including his bedroom, his bathroom, Preeta’s bedroom, Preeta’s bathroom and so on but you will never get to see him at one place and i.e. Cricket ground. But who cares being on a cricket ground doesn’t really matter for a International level crickter as he is ‘The Karan Luthra’ after all.

Sarla Arora forgets about her daughter Pragya

When Kundali Bhagya started and both Srishti and Preeta visited Sarla’s house for the first time as Paying guests, Sarla used to talk a lot about her daughter Pragya with them. Even when they found out that Sarla is their mother both Srishti and Preeta used to complain that Sarla cares about a lot more about Pragya then them but now it seems that Sarla has completely forgot that she has a daughter named Pragya. There is no mentioning of Pragya on the show since last 1 and a half year. Wow seriously it seems that Sarla Arora cares about her blood relations a lot.

Kritika’s Wedding – Still a Mystery

When Kundali Bhagya started in 2017 at that time Kritika’s wedding preperations were happening on the show. Her engagement took place with her fiance ‘Akshay’ in the initial episodes of the show but after that Rishabh’s wedding with Sherlyn took place and Preeta’s wedding with Karan took place twice but till now Kritika hasn’t got married to Akshay. Not only that even the writers have completely forgot about the Akshay character as he doesn’t get mentioned on the show anymore. Wow! What a logic Sir Ji.

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