Vivamax brings you “Kulong 2024,” a Filipino romantic drama directed by the talented Sigrid Polon. This film, set to release on May 24, 2024, promises a sizzling storyline with a stellar cast that includes Aica Veloso, Ghion Espinosa, Cariz Manzano, Jenn Rosa, JD Aguas, and Ralph Christian Engle.
Story Info:
“Kulong 2024” follows the story of three ambitious female screenwriters—Minerva, Tisay, and Love—who enter a scriptwriting contest themed around a sexy narrative. To immerse themselves in their writing and avoid distractions, they decide to have a lock-in session at a private resort. However, their creative process takes an intriguing turn as they seek “sexperience” to inspire their screenplay.
Boie, the resort’s caretaker, catches their eye and becomes the centre of their fantasies. The heat intensifies when two more men, Jelon and Rom, join the scene, adding to the drama and excitement.
The film is packed with steamy scenes featuring the three leading ladies and their male counterparts. While many of these bold moments are dream sequences imagined by the women, they still bring plenty of spice. Additionally, there’s a provocative lesbian scene between Aica Veloso and Jenn Rosa that adds another layer of intrigue to the plot.
Star Cast:
- Lead Female Actors:
- Cariz Manzano as Tisay Alvarez
- Aica Veloso as Love
- Jenn Rosa as Minerva
- Lead Male Actors:
- Ghion Espinosa as Rom
- Ralph Christian Engle as Jelon
- JD Aguas as Boie
Release Date and How to Watch:
“Kulong 2024” will be available on Vivamax starting May 24, 2024. With a runtime of 48 minutes and 28 seconds, this film is perfect for a quick yet intense viewing experience. To watch “Kulong 2024,” subscribe to Vivamax and enjoy the film from the comfort of your home. Keep an eye on the Vivamax website or app for its release.
If you’re looking for a film that combines steamy storytelling with a touch of risqué adventure, “Kulong 2024” is a must-watch. Just be prepared for the heat and have a cool drink handy!