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MTV Splitsvilla 15 Episode 13 Recap: What Happened on May 11, 2024? Full Written Updates

MTV Splitsvilla 15 Episode 13 begins with all the Splitsvillains discussing Siwet, as Addy takes a pledge that he will never reconcile with Siwet until the end of the show, nor will he beg him for safety.

Siwet was sitting alone and upset in the bedroom, and Anicka tried to encourage him by telling him not to hold back because of her and that he has to win Splitsvilla since he didn’t win Roadies. Anicka noticed that everyone in the villa was celebrating Siwet and Anicka’s defeat, particularly Nayera.

MTV Splitsvilla 15 Episode 13 Siwet and Anicka motivational chat

Dev Karan confronted Ameha as she was wearing her ex, Rigden’s, T-shirt and she was not even celebrating with Dev Karan on his victory. Lakshay and Anicka had an argument over Siwet showing his insecurities towards him. Lakshay started calling her fake and dumb, after which Anicka started crying.

Everyone gathered at the Dome, and Digvijay informed Tanuj Virwani that the brotherhood between Addy and Siwet was no more. Siwet said that he felt bad that Addy pitched for himself. Digvijay countered that during the day Siwet was singing a different tune and now he is flipping. Addy said that he doesn’t owe Siwet any explanation.

Also check out – MTV Spliitsvilla 15 Contestant Siwet Tomar’s complete wiki profile

Akriti had an argument with Siwet for not putting Akriti’s friends as her priority, and Siwet said that there’s nothing like that. Nayera exposed Siwet by saying that during the dumping, Siwet told her that it was her call to dump anyone she wanted apart from Anicka. Even Digvijay started exposing Siwet, and Siwet said that it’s a pack of wolves. Nayera said that she doesn’t need a group to defeat him. Siwet told Akriti that Addy is his only priority apart from Anicka.

Tanuj Virwani revealed that at least two people would be eliminated from Splitsvilla 15 today. He said that both the ideal matches and the winning trios of the ‘Chonch Se Chonch Mila’ challenge will get to save one unsafe Splitsvillain each.

Digvijay pitched for Unnati to Arbaz, Nayera, and Sachin, while Ishita pitched herself to the same trio. Sachin revealed that he is forming a connection with Ishita and pitched to Arbaz and Nayera to save her. Lakshay also pitched for himself.

  • Harsh and Rushali saved Addy.
  • Jashwanth and Akriti saved Anicka.
  • Arbaz, Nayera, and Sachin saved Ishita.
  • Adit, Khanak, and Sachin saved Ameha.

Also read – Full recap of MTV Splitsvilla 15 Episode 12

Tanuj Virwani then revealed that now both the winning trios of the ‘Chonch Se Chonch Mila’ challenge will write the name of two contestants whom they want to dump, while the unsafe Splitsvillains will vote for one couple out of ‘Arbaz and Nayera’ and ‘Adit and Khanak’ to send in front of the Oracle.

Digvijay made a pitch for Unnati not to dump her, and Akriti started trying to create rifts between them by saying that Digvijay was badmouthing Unnati on his first day at the villa. Addy pitched for Siwet, and then he started crying. Both trios also pitched to Splitsvillains to choose them to go in front of the oracle.

All the contestants cast their votes, and Siwet opted to open the mischief box before the start of voting. Mischief maker Uorfi Javed arrived and she revealed that today, if they didn’t get an ideal couple, then the couple that will face the oracle, their previous challenge partner (either Sachin or Dev Karan), will get dumped. Both couples decided to face the oracle.

Both couples revealed their dumping choices:

  • Arbaz and Nayera voted to dump Siwet and Ayushmaan.
  • Adit and Khanak voted to dump Rigden and Unnati.

Arbaz and Nayera got the opportunity to face the Oracle as 8 votes went in their favor, while only 6 went in favor of Adit and Khanak.

Arbaz and Nayera faced the Oracle and it said that they are not an ideal match.

Sachin became depressed because he got into trouble of getting eliminated from the show, and now only the mischief box could save him.

The mischief box was opened, and as per its twist, Sachin got safe and the villa will get a chance to choose an ideal couple, whose votes will get exercised today for the dumpings.

Harsh and Rushali get the power as 9 votes went in their favor, while only two votes went in favor of Jashwanth and Akriti.

It was revealed that Akriti and Jashwanth wanted to dump Unnati and Rigden.

Harsh and Rushali dumped Rigden and Ayushmaan after which they both got eliminated from the show.

Back in the villa, Unnati started arguing with Akriti about her trying to create rifts between her and Digvijay’s bond. Akriti said that she doesn’t waste time making out at the pool with Digvijay like Akriti does with Jashwanth. Digvijay was giving befitting replies to Akriti with a smile, and Akriti pledged to eliminate him and Unnati from the show.

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