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Mahira blames Sherlyn for her ruined wedding – Kundali Bhagya 26 August 2020 Episode Written

Preeta was standing outside the thrashhold of the Luthra house, srishti thinks that it was all her own fault as she was the one to convince Preeta that they should do everything they can to protect the Luthra family otherwise they would be destroyed, she also recalls how their mother tried to convince them that they would not be respected in the house as Kareena, Mahira and Sherlyn will always try to harm Preeta, Srishti goes in front of Preeta then asks her for forgiveness as she was the one to convince her that they should go to the wedding, Preeta says that she should not apologize as she married Karan by her own choice and they should not worry as they can still go to their own house, Srishti makes her sit on the footpath and hurries to go get the auto.

Mahira asks everyone why they all were not able to understand that she was not the one under the veil, they all try to calm her down, she also asks her mother how could she not realize that it was Preeta and not her in the Mandap, Ramona says that she came to the Mandap and brought her a drink but it was Sherlyn who refused to let her lift the veil so she was not able to know that it was not Mahira who was with Karan.

Mahira gets mad saying that Sherlyn is always the one to ruin everything and she was the one to instigate Preeta as she told her that she is still the legal wife of Karan and that is why she married Karan otherwise she could have never gathered the strength to take such a step, Sherlyn worries that Mahira might inform everyone of her truth in anger which would ruin her entire plan, she tries to calm Mahira but she does not listen and even starts breaking the decorations in an attempt to release her anger, she does not care about anything that she is told about, Sherlyn mentions that Preeta also caused her pain which is why she said some things to her but could not comprehend that Preeta would create such a big issue of the matter, Bani Dadi tries to stop them both from fighting but Mahira says that she always says that she had no idea but it has ruined her wedding even when she made such extensive preparations for it, Mahira leaves the hall, Ramona also asks Sherlyn to go and calm her down otherwise they don’t know what she will do.

Rakhi sits In the Mandir saying that she knows she caused pain to Preeta but she could not do anything as everyone is really angry with her, even Karan who is her husband would have thrown her out of the house if he got the chance, she can not see Preeta break again as she has seen so much emotional stress that she could never see her go through pain because of her family, Rakhi says that she does not have such a big heart because she is a mother so cannot see the girl whom she regard as her daughter to go through such pain, she says that a girl only gets the right of a daughter in law but it is when the family accepts her however this is no longer the case as now when Preeta comes everyone starts accusing her which she can no longer bear.

Preeta was sitting outside the house thinking that there were only two people in the Luthra Mansion who stood with her and they were Rishabh and Rakhi but now even Rakhi has refused to accept that she is right and she might actually be wrong. Rakhi says that she knows Preeta is right as she has only married Karan who is her husband but she had no choice except to throw Preeta out of the house as she has to choice either between her family or Preeta so she has to stay with her family as Mahesh is already very ill and if she had asked Preeta to stay in the house even then she would have been scolded each and every day and Rakhi would have been blamed.

Rakhi asks Ganpati to take care of Preeta as she is alone in the world and he should be the one to help her as she knows that he is always with those who are in trouble so he must also help her and she prays for the strength for Preeta.

Prithvi is in his room was wondering how he would find If Karan has married Mahira, he thinks that there is only one person who can tell him, and it is Sherlyn but she is angry then he decides to call her. He calls her saying that he is sorry that he talked rudely with her because she knows when he gets angry he is not able to control himself, he asks that he only wanted to keep an eye on Preeta so that she would not be able to stop the wedding, Sherlyn says that karan and Preeta have been married again, she informs him of everything that has happened.

Prithvi then ends the call and starts thrashing the room because he wants to marry Preeta however she always go to the Luthra Mansion and is scolded there which he cannot bear, she should not go there as he loves her till the depths of his heart and she must not worry as he will now go to her mother because she is the only one who can talk some sense in her. He dresses up and decides to go to her house.

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