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Karan’s allegations makes Preeta angry – Kundali Bhagya 4 August 2020 Episode Written

Bani dadi tells Mahira that you haven’t yet became our bahu and you started cheating. Sherlyn says that in some time Mahira will get the license after she become Karan’s wife. Sherlyn went to Preeta and says that Varmala has happened and you came here to attend the wedding so see the rituals and enjoy them, why are you looking here and there. Karan was about to put Varmala on Mahira but he starts seeing Preeta in Mahira and stopped. Bani Dadi asked him what happened puttar then he says nothing as some garbage came in front of my eyes. Karan puts Varmala around Mahira’s neck and then asked her why didn’t you resist. Mahira says my marriage is happening with the Karan Luthra so my victory is in my defeat. Pandit ji asked for the Hawan samagri and Kareena tells Rakhi to lets bring it. Karan says to Pandit ji that I need to talk and Mahira tried to stop her. Karan says that this girl has done a lot of wrong with our family so its important to talk. Mahira thinks that ok he is going to again lecture her so lets let him go. Karan grabs Preeta’s hand and Srishti says Karan sir please then Preeta says its ok Srishti. Karan says I will tell you whats not ok because of you.

Karan takes Preeta to a corner and takes off his turban. Karan says you were laughing a lot downstairs and you thought that you will enjoy this wedding and leave from here then you’re wrong. Seeing your laughter makews me that much angry that it just kills me. Karan grabs Preeta’s hand again and takes her to Mahesh uncle’s room. Karan tells Preeta that you are looking at this man, he’s my dad and when I was a child I used to fall from the Sofa but my dad taught me how to stand. Karan further says that when I was a kid I can’t even hold the bat properly but one day he came quietly from behind and hits the ball and from that day I started dreaming to become a cricketer and today he is in this condition is just because of you, why have you done this, why he screams and Preeta puts her hands in front of her face.

Srishti asks Sammy that Karan sir took Preeta somwhere, what is he going to do. Sameer says I don’t know as I agreed for you to come here because you forced, this is not a happy wala invitation. Sherlyn’s mother called Sameer and he left leaving Srishti behind. Bani Dadi asked Kareena why did Preeta came here I am in a lot of tension. Kareena says that she is very unlucky for this family. Bani Dadi says you are right I just don’t like her. Rishabh thinks that there was a time when Bani dadi used to fight for Preeta with everyone but now after listening all this it seems that Preeta ji will not get the same love here again. Ramona asked Rishabh what are you doing here alone,come with us. Rishabh asked her where is Karan then she says he was just here now then Rishabh says ok I will find him.

Back to Mahesh Uncle’s room, Karan removes Preeta hands from her face and says look at me I have lost everything because of you. The truth is that you are just a normal physiotherapist. My mom thinks that you save Rishabh from kidnapper but she did not knew that you can also be the kidnapper then Preeta says oh just shut up Karan Luthra. Rakhi says to Mahira that I will bring Karan then Mahira says there is no need as he will come. Mahira gets happy thinking that Karan will be taking Preeta’s class and after this their relation will get ruined forever because of hatred. Rakhi calls Sherlyn and tells her to fill the sweets thali.

Karan says what did you say shut then Preeta says yes because you ave gotten mad as you never talked logical. I came here to attend your wedding as a guest so you do pheras or put mangalsutra I don’t care but one thing will happen that is our fighting and you taunting me and this time wasting will be stopped for ever. Karan says nothing will get alright that soon, you came here to attend my wedding so you have to attend all the ritual standsing in front of me. Preeta says yes how many times you need to say this, I will see your wedding, especially I will see you Karan. Preeta tells him to get aside and was about to leave, Karan grabs her hand from behind and takes her to a corner. Both of them had a close eye contact in each other arms (Tera Hoke Rahoon plays in the background) Preeta says I will see your real wedding from my eyes, in front of people with real rituals and real blessings. Where two people will like to stay together, will love each other and will support each other. You and she stopped, Karan says say it say it then Preeta says don’t do this.

Srishti thinks don’t know where did Karan sir took Preeta di I need to find them. Sherlyn thinks where is Srishti going as Karan is taking Preeta’s class so I need to stop Srishti. Sherlyn calls Girish then she gives sweets thali to him and takes a shortcut stops Srishti in her way. Sherlyn asks her where are you going then Srishti pushes her and says get aside. Sherlyn says I will kill you then says I mean I will kill your deserire then she says that I am the elder daughter-in-law of this house. Srishti says I know what kind of woman you are then she goes on her way but Sherlyn pushes her from behind. Srishti says I know that Karan sir took di with him. Sherlyn says Karan will do with her what she deserves. Karan says what you said not to do, what not to do.

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