After a long wait of more than 3 years, All Elite Wrestling’s much awaited video game “AEW Fight Forever” is releasing on 29 June 2023 worldwide on both PC and Consoles. Lovers of wrestling games are very much hyped for this new alternative to the WWE 2K video game franchise and now the publisher of this game “THQ Nordic” has started the marketing for this game on social media in full swing.
People are very eager to know about the full roster of the AEW Fight Forever wrestling video game and whether they will be able to play their favourite male and female wrestlers in this arcade style game or not.
Well if you are curious to know more about the complete roster of AEW Fight Forever Video Game then we have got you covered in this article because we are going to share all the spicy info related to the complete roster of this game which has been developed by Yukes and Published by THQ Nordic.
AEW Fight Forever 2023 Video Game Full Male Roster List :
Below is the complete list of male wrestlers which are included in the AEW Fight Forever video game Standard edition as well as DLC :
- Adam Cole
- Adam Hangman Page
- Andrade El Idolo
- Brian Cage
- Brodie Lee
- Broken Matt Hardy (DLC)
- Bryan Danielson
- Cash Wheeler (DLC)
- Chris Jericho
- Christian Cage
- Chuck Taylor
- CM Punk
- Cody Rhodes
- Danhausen (DLC)
- Darby Allin
- Dax Harwood (DLC)
- Dustin Rhodes
- Eddie Kingston
- Jeff Hardy
- John Silver
- Jon Moxley
- Jungle Boy Jack Perry
- Keith Lee (DLC)
- Kenny Omega
- Lance Archer
- Luchasaurus
- Malakai Black
- Matt Hardy (DLC)
- Matt Jackson
- Miro
- Nick Jackson
- Orange Cassidy
- Owen Hart
- Paul Wight
- Pentagon
- Powerhouse Hobbs
- Rey Fenix
- Ricky Starks
- Sammy Guevara
- Scorpio Sky
- Sting
- Trent
- Wardlow
AEW Fight Forever 2023 Video Game Full Female Roster List :
Below is the complete list of female wrestlers which are included in the AEW Fight Forever video game Standard edition as well as DLC :
- Abadon
- Aubrey Edwards
- Anna Jay
- Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D.
- Hikaru Shida
- Jade Cargill
- Kris Statlander
- Nyla Rose
- Riho
- Ruby Soho
- Tay Melo
- The Bunny (DLC)
- Thunder Rosa
- Yuka Sakazaki