The hot Naagin duo of Aastha Gill and Akasa Singh collaborated once again in a very bold music video titled Shringaar. Both the divas looked sizzling hot in this track as they can be seen grooving around handsome hunk Milind Soman. Indian rap sensation Raftaar has made this song even more special by adding the tadka of his fabulous rap in between. Looking at the amazing chemistry of Aastha and Akasa in Shringaar, its quite obvious that these two hotties are made for each other.
Akasa once again made entry on a bike in Shringaar song (Just like Naagin song) and this time around Aastha Gill was also seen accompanying her on a side-car. Both the beauties can be seen dancing in this whole music video wearing blouse and petticoat. In some shots they can also be seen wearing Lehenga Choli and throughout the song they are looking very tempting and gorgeous.